Guppy | Kids Answers The colors of different populations of guppies vary greatly depending on the number of predators.
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Humphead Wrasse | Kids Answers The humphead wrasse has large, plump lips that make this fish the perfect creature to control the growth of toxic and spiny reef creatures.
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Longhorn Cowfish | Kids Answers When foraging, the longhorn cowfish often blows jets of water out of its mouth at the sand surface to uncover buried prey.
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Longnose Hawkfish | Kids Answers The longnose hawkfish often makes its home among flame corals, which have stinging cells called nematocysts.
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Long Spine Porcupine Fish | Kids Answers The long-spine porcupinefish has dark patches on its sides and back. It has long spines that protrude from all over its body, except for the fins and face.
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Lookdown | Kids Answers The juvenile lookdown sports long filaments from its dorsal fin, which help it blend in with grasses.
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Mandarinfish | Kids Answers The mandarinfish produces a thick mucous that covers its body. Scientists believe that this secretion could ward off potential predators.
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Moorish Idol | Kids Answers The bars of color on the body of the Moorish idol break up the body outline and make it harder for predators to tell where the fish begins and ends.
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Moray Eel | Kids Answers The shape of the moray eel allows it to hunt prey that is larger than it can swallow.
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Orange Clownfish | Kids Answers The relationship that the clownfish has with a sea anemone is truly a wonderful design feature.
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Noah's Ark for Kids | Kids Answers How did Noah fit all those animals on the Ark, and how did he take care of them all? Was there really a Flood that covered the whole earth?
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Flood Legends for Kids | Kids Answers Flood legends exist across many different cultures. These legends point to the reality of the global Flood and the truth of the account in Genesis.
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African Flood Legend | Kids Answers The continent of Africa, even though very large and with many nations and people groups, has relatively few flood legends.
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Greek Flood Legend | Kids Answers In this Greek flood legend, a man named Deucalion was warned by his father, the titan Prometheus, that a flood was coming.
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Chinese Flood Legend | Kids Answers The Chinese Miao have no written records; instead they have a traditional oral poem that has been passed down.
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Mexican Flood Legend | Kids Answers The land of Mexico has many Flood legends, most of which are short and quite different from one another.
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Africa | Kids Answers The Masai people of Africa have one of the few African legends of a
worldwide flood.
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China | Kids Answers A number of flood legends are found in China. These include the
tale of Fuhi.
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Greece | Kids Answers Among the Greeks are found a number of legends about
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Mexico | Kids Answers In Mexico, there is an ancient Toltec account of a global flood.
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North American Indian | Kids Answers Among the Choctaw people, a legend tells of a prophet who had been sent to warn
the people of a coming flood.
God Said to Build an Ark | Kids Answers God told him to build a ship because something big is coming—a big
flood. And I don’t just mean one of those large boats he used to build when
he lived on the coast.
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A Very Wicked World | Kids Answers When Dad describes the people of
the coastland and how bad things were
when he lived there, it just makes
you wonder how bad things could get.
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Wow, This Is Hard Work! | Kids Answers We’ve started work on this Ark,
and we’ve gotten help from some close
family friends. Most days are great,
but it can be frustrating to work on
the same project with the same people
for so long.
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Here Come the Animals! | Kids Answers We’ve had animals constantly coming! Two of each kind—males
and females—are just turning up from all over the place. Animals with pouches,
flying creatures of all colors, and tiny little fur balls.
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Getting Ready for the Animals | Kids Answers Japheth has gone crop crazy. Under Grandfather’s watchful eye, he’s
figuring out how to grow and store as much food as possible for our time
on the Ark.
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I Think It’s Almost Time | Kids Answers We’ve got seven days before the Flood starts. We’ll be working from sunup to
sundown loading all the food and securing the animals, and tomorrow will be just as
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The Ark: A Floating Shelter | Kids Answers Noah had a BIG job. God told him to build an Ark
to keep his family alive and to save all the kinds of
creatures that lived on land and breathed air.
Pre-Flood People | Kids Answers In the Bible we have the real history of humanity and we know that people were intelligent right from the very beginning.
The Flood and Fossils | Kids Answers Some people suggest that fossil formation requires a long time, but scientific observations have shown
that fossils don’t take long to form.
You can see the effects of Noah’s Flood today | Kids Answers When you travel on the highway, look at any rocky hillsides that were cut away for the road. You’ll see lots of layers. When you see these layers, remember the Flood of Noah’s day.
Fossils for Kids | Kids Answers Fossils are the rocky remains of dead plants and animals that were buried during Noah’s Flood about six thousand years ago.
Crane Fly Fossil | Kids Answers The recent discovery of fossilized
crane flies has shed new light on the
design of insect eyes, which experts
overlooked until now.
Rewriting History—Again | Kids Answers What is a stromatolite? It’s
basically a mound made by bacteria
living underwater. Until stromatolites
were found deep in the
Arabian Sea, scientists thought they
formed only in shallow seas, where
bacteria can get the sunlight they
need to grow.
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Living Fossils | Kids Answers Animals that haven’t changed from the fossil record until now are so common they have a name—living fossils.
Just a Minute | Kids Answers The popular American TV news program 60 Minutes recently aired a segment about a remarkably preserved dinosaur bone.
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Monster’s Ink | Kids Answers A recently discovered ink sac from a “Jurassic-era” squid is more evidence of rapid burial in a recent watery catastrophe.
Fossil Matching | Kids Answers Can you match each fossil pictured below with the name of the creature or plant that lives today?
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Sea Animals for Kids | Kids Answers Many crazy creatures, like limpets, whelks, and sea cucumbers, live in our oceans. These quirky & strange sea animals are a reflection of God’s creativity.
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Whale “Evolution”? | Kids Answers Whales are thought by evolutionists to have evolved from land mammals. However there are many problems with this idea.
Bottlenose Dolphin | Kids Answers The name “bottlenose” comes from this dolphin’s elongated upper and lower jaws that form what is called the “rostrum.”
Seashells by the Seashore | Kids Answers People have been amazed by colorful, shimmery
seashells for a long time. Our love of shells is no surprise. These swirly,
sparkly, bumpy, ocean-sounding collectables are
some of the neatest houses growing on the planet.
Wait! Houses that grow?
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Did You Know? | Kids Answers When you put a shell up to your ear, it sounds
like the ocean, but it really isn’t. You’re actually
hearing an echo from all the sounds around you
. . . jumbled into a big whoosh.
The Stunning Jellyfish | Kids Answers They look more like floating hot air balloons than living things, but jellyfish will let you know quickly that they’re alive.
Just Keep Swimming | Kids Answers God’s care for his creatures is evident in the ways he uniquely created them with the abilities they need to thrive in our fallen world.
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Amazon River Dolphins—Unique in Pink | Kids Answers How many animals can you think of that are pink? Flamingos. Pigs. Any others? Well, you’ll be tickled pink to learn that you can add another animal to that list—the Amazon river dolphin.
Beluga Whale | Kids Answers The beluga whale is known for its milky white skin. Young are gray or pinkish brown at birth but fade to white as they grow.
Seeing the Glory of God in Scallop Eyes | Kids Answers Soon we’ll be able to see distant galaxies the way a scallop might see them! Sadly, scientists still believe evolution is responsible for the scallop’s incredible eye. But random chance and natural processes over millions of years could not possibly be responsible for a design so precise and seamless.
The Hagfish in the Room | Kids Answers Hagfish have it all—a wrinkled, spineless, worm-like body; a grotesque
spiky tongue that tears pieces of carrion from the seafloor;
and revolting slime secretions that choke potential predators.
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Attack of the Tree Sharks? | Kids Answers A parasite preserved in amber (fossilized tree resin) has scientists scratching their heads—because it is a shark parasite.
Whale Chat | Kids Answers Scientists believe they recently had a conversation with a humpback whale off the Alaskan coast and say that this whale chat is the first step to conversing with other non-human life, including . . . aliens?
Whale Whispers | Kids Answers Whale songs can be heard for hundreds of miles in the ocean.
The beautiful, plaintive sound evokes images of solitude
in the dark ocean depths. But what if predators are lurking
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Squirt Science | Kids Answers The ocean floor is covered with
tiny animals, called sea squirts,
which filter plankton from the
water. Despite their simple
appearance, they have unique
abilities that intrigue researchers.
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With Fronds Like These . . . | Kids Answers While the
bonnethead shark doesn’t necessarily follow
the “fish are friends, not food” philosophy, it
does find value in veggies—seaweed, that is.
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Out-of-This-World Thinking | Kids Answers Some scientists are quick to embrace
a falsehood because they reject the
fount of all truth. God will not excuse
anyone for willfully suppressing the
truth of the Creator.
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Hearing Without Ears | Kids Answers Marine biologists have
long been concerned about the harmful
effects of human noise on ocean
creatures. Now we’re learning that
our careless activities may adversely
affect not only complex creatures
like whales and dolphins but even
“simple” animals like oysters.
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Starfish | Kids Answers There are over 2,000 species of starfish found in
all the seas. Most of these are found in shallow
water, but a few do live in the deep seas.
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Squid | Kids Answers There are 350 species of squid ranging in size
from 1 inch (2.5 cm) to 60 feet (18 m) and over.
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Sea Turtle | Kids Answers There are seven species of sea turtle, the largest
and rarest being the leatherback.
Elephant Seal | Kids Answers The elephant seal was named for its large snout
that resembles an elephant’s trunk.
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Butterfly Fish | Kids Answers Called “butterfly” for their small size, bright
colors, and darting movements, these fish are
thin-bodied with a round shape.
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Purple Sea Urchin | Kids Answers The five bony teeth of the sea urchin were given to the original created kind to help it scrape algae (its food) from rocks.
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Oyster | Kids Answers The oyster is a filter-feeder that gets its food by filtering food particles from water with its gills.
Common Sand Dollar | Kids Answers Small but numerous spines of the common sand dollar are its primary tool for burrowing within the upper few centimeters of sandy ocean bottoms.
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Sea Anemone | Kids Answers Some sea anemones have an important symbiotic relationship with algae species.
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Sponge | Kids Answers God designed the sponge with the ability to draw water into its body through tiny holes.
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Sea Cucumber | Kids Answers When surprised by a predator, some sea cucumbers can expel their internal organs along with a sticky substance.
Cleaner Shrimp | Kids Answers This shrimp is known for the orange coloring along its sides and the long red stripe on its dorsal side that is bisected by a narrow, white band.
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Common Limpet | Kids Answers The shape of the limpet varies. The closer the limpet is to the water, the flatter and smaller its shell.
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Cuttlefish | Kids Answers The thick internal shell of a cuttlefish is called a cuttlebone. It is made of calcium carbonate and contains numerous gas- and/or water-filled chambers.
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Feather Duster | Kids Answers The feather duster has a series of feathery tentacles on its head that it uses to filter nutrients from the water and take in oxygen.
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Ghost Crab | Kids Answers The ghost crab is aptly named. It is a pale, sandy color, making it almost invisible on the sand. Its black eyes are held aloft on stalks.
Squid | Kids Answers The squid has two fins, a mantle, and a head that bears eight arms and two tentacles, each covered with suckers, which are armed with hooks or sucker rings.
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Whelk | Kids Answers The whelk uses its radula (a tongue-like feature with rows of teeth) to bore a hole into the shell of its prey to reach the protected flesh.
When Light Comes to Life | Kids Answers If you rode in a submarine to the bottom of the ocean, the sun would disappear, and the dark water would swallow you. But light is not missing down there.
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Jesus for Kids | Kids Answers Jesus is God, our Savior who died on the Cross and rose again to pay for our sins and give everyone who believes in Him life forever.
Seven Markers on the Road | Kids Answers These seven “mile markers” will
help you understand what happened,
and why Jesus’ death and resurrection
are so important.
Let Us Magnify Our Maker | Kids Answers Have fun exploring the world around you—down to the smallest structures—and then speak up in your praise for the One who made the universe.
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Jesus—He Was Before Creation! | Kids Answers If we want to know something about Jesus, where should we look? The Bible! It is the source of truth about everything, including Jesus.
What Are the Other Names of Jesus? | Kids Answers Did you know Jesus isn’t Jesus’ only name? Jesus was the name God, through the angel Gabriel, instructed Jesus’ earthly parents to name him when he was born.
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Jesus’ Ministry in Israel | Kids Answers Jesus was born and spent most of his life in the land of Israel. He was born in a small town called Bethlehem and laid in a manger.
Be a Living Light | Kids Answers Jesus gave many of His creatures the ability to create light in the darkest places. And He wants us to shine our lights too.
What About Your Design? | Kids Answers Animals are created to show God’s wisdom, but you are recreated to love God and show His love and forgiveness to others who need a new heart.
Human Anatomy for Kids | Kids Answers Anatomy is the branch of science that describes how the incredible bodies of humans and animals are built and function.
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Before Your Birthday | Kids Answers We are each one of a kind! No one was exactly like you in the past, no one is exactly like you today, and no one will be exactly like you in the future.
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Brain Bond | Kids Answers God created humans to have a relationship with him and relationships with each other.
Heroes of Your Health | Kids Answers Our world may be
a cursed place, but God is still very good. He didn’t leave us
defenseless against the nasty noroviruses or the attack of sneaky
Sick Squad: Level Two | Kids Answers If some bad guys manage
to slip past your outer
defenses, God gave you a
second layer of protection
to turn the tide.
Do You Smell That? | Kids Answers Olfactory bulbs are the area of the
brain where smells are processed. So
someone lacking them shouldn’t be
able to smell, right? Not necessarily.
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Secrets of the Heart | Kids Answers An international team of
researchers has discovered
that the human heart produces
unique “mini-proteins”
that play a role in the heart’s
energy production.
Of Mice and Marathoners | Kids Answers Why are long-distance runners so good at what they do?
Evolutionary researchers say they have found the secret: a
“broken” gene.
Interstitium—Hiding in Plain Sight | Kids Answers Surely, with all the advances in
the study of human anatomy, an
organ couldn’t avoid detection. Yet
biologists think they’ve discovered
a new one. They’re calling it the
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Not So Useless After All | Kids Answers If it’s impossible to live without your
heart, why doesn’t taking out other organs
kill you? In the past, doctors routinely
removed the appendix and other organs
because evolutionists thought they were
useless “vestiges” left over from an earlier
stage of evolution.
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Toetally Awesome | Kids Answers Toes are the unsung heroes
of human motion. The important jobs
they do every day highlight
God’s careful design.
Kids | Kids Answers When did dinosaurs live, and when did they die out? Was it really millions of years ago? Did people ever live with dinosaurs?
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Truth and Fiction at Dinosaur Ridge | Kids Answers When the kids test out their super-agent skills on their parents, they are reminded to think critically about the things they watch and the importance of going to God’s Word for answers.
By Land | Kids Answers What made dinosaurs dinosaurs? Well, it wasn’t their giant size.
The average dinosaur was the size of a large cow.
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The Magnifying Glass | Kids Answers Ethan, Alissa, and Parker were so excited, they
didn’t realize that tracking a
dinosaur might not be the safest
thing to do.
Tyrannosaurus rex | Kids Answers Weighing over eight tons, this large theropod stood at a minimum height of 13 feet and reached lengths of 40 feet or more.
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Triceratops | Kids Answers Easily one of the most-famous and recognizable dinosaurs, this animal has captured the hearts of children and adults alike for over a century.
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Baryonyx | Kids Answers This large piscivorous (fish-eating) theropod had an average length of about 30 feet, weighed 1–2 tons, and stood about 8–10 feet high.
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Brachiosaurus | Kids Answers Standing at 35–40 feet tall, weighing up to 50 tons, and reaching lengths of 60–70 feet, Brachiosaurus was one of the largest land animals ever to exist.
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Allosaurus | Kids Answers One of the most popular and well-known dinosaurs, Allosaurus was one of the most common of the larger theropods.
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Ceratosaurus | Kids Answers Found throughout the western United States, this carnivorous theropod was anywhere from 17–25 feet long, weighed at least 1 ton, and stood at about 7–8 feet tall.
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Dilophosaurus | Kids Answers The “two-crested lizard” gets its name because of the two large crests on the top of its head.
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Apatosaurus | Kids Answers My favorite sauropod, Apatosaurus, was much longer than it was tall, with a long whip-like tail and a long neck that it held out in front.
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Stegosaurus | Kids Answers This animal stood at 10 or more feet (not including the plates), weighed 5+ tons, and reached lengths of up to 30 feet.
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Styracosaurus | Kids Answers Standing at approximately six feet tall (not including the tall spikes on its skull), this dinosaur weighed about three tons.
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Parasaurolophus | Kids Answers The “near-crested lizard” gets its name from the large crest protruding from the top of the skull.
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Spinosaurus | Kids Answers This impressive member of the spinosaur kind stood around 15–16 feet tall. It reached lengths of 50 feet, and weight estimates place it at seven or more tons.
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Ankylosaurus | Kids Answers Often referred to as a “living tank,” this large herbivore was one of the most well-protected animals to ever live.
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What Is a Dinosaur? | Kids Answers What exactly is a dinosaur? Contrary to popular belief, dinosaurs are land-dwelling reptiles with one of two hip structures.
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Carnotaurus | Kids Answers This carnivorous theropod stood between 8–10 feet high, weighed a minimum of 1.5 tons, and reached lengths of 25–30 feet.
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Deinonychus | Kids Answers Named in 1969 by John Ostrom, this animal’s name means “terrible claw,” which refers to the large claw on the inner toes.
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Gallimimus | Kids Answers Due to its lightweight and slim nature, Gallimimus is estimated to have been able to reach speeds of up to 35 mph.
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Compsognathus | Kids Answers Affectionately referred to as “compys,” this animal’s name means “elegant jaw” due to its slender jawbones.
Dinosaurs and Dragons | Kids Answers In 1841, Sir Richard Owen coined the term “dinosaur” (meaning “terrible lizard”) for the great beasts
that were being rediscovered at that time.
The Seven Fs of Dinosaur History: Flood | Kids Answers God covered the entire earth with water as punishment for man’s wickedness. In his mercy, God told Noah to build an ark to save himself, his family, and two of every kind of animal.
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The Seven Fs of Dinosaur History: Found | Kids Answers We have found and unearthed hundreds of different species of dinosaurs in the last few centuries, all of which point to the amazing creativity of our awesome God!
Lizard or Bird Hips? | Kids Answers In 1888, British paleontologist Harry Seeley proposed that dinosaurs should be grouped according to the structure of their
pelvic bones and joints.
A Feathered Dinosaur? | Kids Answers A common idea among those who believe molecules-to-man evolution is that dinosaurs have turned into birds over millions of years.
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Dinosaurs! | Kids Answers We often hear that dinosaurs died out millions of years ago. But that’s not true. God’s Word, the Bible, tells us something totally different.
Astronomy for Kids | Kids Answers Astronomy is the science that deals with the heavens, the stars, the planets, the moon and the sun. Astronomy shows God’s glory and strength!
Why do we have seasons? | Kids Answers It's fun to swim in summer, jump in leaves in autumn, drink hot cocoa in winter, and gather flowers in spring. But why do we experience seasons?
Alien Life for Kids | Kids Answers Science fiction has popularized the idea that—somewhere in space—ETs, aliens, and UFOs exist. Do the Bible and the evidence support this idea?
Danger in the Yukon | Kids Answers Andy and Eva are reminded of how much God cares about them when they get lost in the Yukon in their search for the northern lights.
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The Sun | Kids Answers Did you know that our sun is actually a
star? It’s so close to us and so bright—while
other stars are twinkling little specks.
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The Moon | Kids Answers Our moon is pretty as it shines up there
in the sky, but did you know that it was also created
to be unique? No other moon around any other
planet even compares.
Appointment with an Eclipse | Kids Answers For those truly looking, we’ll behold the One on whose cosmic calendar this eclipse was marked before he hung the greater and lesser lights in the sky.
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Skywatcher | Kids Answers Have you ever found yourself in a crowd
wondering what everyone is staring at?
That was me, when it came to the night sky.
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What Are Black Holes? | Kids Answers . . . their gravity is so strong that light can’t even escape from them. If light cannot escape a black hole, then it can never get to your eyes, so it appears black.
Water on an Alien Planet | Kids Answers The difficulty in finding planets
with the right temperature range to
support a water cycle emphasizes just
how special earth is.
Waterworld | Kids Answers After analyzing the almost 4,000 exoplanets
we’ve so far discovered, scientists have
concluded that as many as 1,400 may have
abundant water.
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Our Sun Is Special | Kids Answers The more we learn, the more God reminds us about what he says
in his Word, that he created our sun uniquely
to support life on this planet.
Life on Mars at Last? | Kids Answers The hope that life exists on Mars comes not from a
desire to glorify the Creator of all life,
but from an urge to prove that life “just
happens” whenever conditions are
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A Cosmological Conundrum | Kids Answers Evolutionary cosmologists are
scratching their heads following
the discovery of massive stars near
the center of our galaxy. They have
found many bright, massive, young
stars orbiting where they supposedly
shouldn’t be—very close to
the supermassive black hole at the
galactic center.
How Far Away Is The Next Galaxy? | Kids Answers The nearest galaxy depends on how we define a galaxy. There are masses of stars much smaller than the Milky Way that are considered a galaxy.
Is Jupiter Stormy? | Kids Answers The stripes that appear on the planet are actually generated by strong winds. Because of its gas composition and strong winds, it’s prone to massive storms.
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What About The Big Bang? | Kids Answers The supposed big bang is one of the popular atheistic models about the origin of the universe. It basically teaches that the universe created itself.
What Would Happen If A Comet And Asteroid Collided? | Kids Answers Comets are made mostly of dust, rock, and ice, while asteroids are primarily made of rock. A snowball hitting a rock might be similar to what it would be like if a comet hit an asteroid at high speed.
The Beauty of Our Galaxy | Kids Answers So much of our amazing galaxy is unique and beautiful. We can look at space from the earth and see wonderful things God put there for us to enjoy and appreciate.
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Curious About Life on Mars? | Kids Answers If you have been watching the news lately, you have probably noticed that NASA’s Mars rover, Curiosity, recently landed on Mars.
Plants for Kids | Kids Answers Plants grow in nearly every environment and come in an amazing variety of shapes, sizes, colors, and types. These “solar machines” are beautifully designed by our Creator.
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On a Roll! | Kids Answers You might recognize tumbleweed as a plant in western movies. But did you know that a rolling tumbleweed is spreading seeds?
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Lookin’ Sharp | Kids Answers Cactuses are a sharp reminder of God’s provision for plants that live in dry environments like the West.
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Just for Fungi | Kids Answers Fungi are not plants or animals—they belong to their own kingdom. God created fungi to help support all life on earth.
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Snow of Many Colors | Kids Answers It’s fun waking up to a sparkling white wonderland of snow. But sometimes snow comes in other colors—often thanks to algae.
Soak It Up | Kids Answers Have you ever wondered how water gets from a tree’s roots all the way up to the leaves?
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Fall Colors | Kids Answers Fall brings breathtaking colors as trees change from green to gold, red, orange, brown, and even purple. But what makes leaves turn color?
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Giant Coastal Redwoods | Kids Answers Giant coastal redwoods remind us of our mighty God who created everything—from the smallest flower to the tallest tree.
Make a Tree Bark Rubbing | Kids Answers When God made plants, including trees, on day three
of creation week, he created them with everything
they’d need to live.
The Wild Side of Creation | Kids Answers The Bible tells us God made plants on Day Three of the Creation Week. Some of these plants are really
wacky in their wonderful way.
The Anther Answer | Kids Answers Botanists have long questioned why some flowers have
multiple anther types (structures that produce pollen).
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Patient Pitchers | Kids Answers Named for their jug-shaped traps, pitcher plants
lure prey with delicious nectar oozing from their
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Arsenic Eaters | Kids Answers The Chinese brake fern (Pteris vittata) thrives on poison, absorbing levels of
arsenic that would kill most organisms.
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Plant Music | Kids Answers The evening
primrose can
sense a bee’s
wing vibrations
and gives a
sweet welcome.
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Poplars Eat Poison | Kids Answers A bacterium that
occurs naturally
in some poplar
species thrives
on the toxic
industrial waste
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Bible Questions for Kids | Kids Answers Ever wondered who was Cain’s wife or where the Bible came from? Everyone has questions about the Bible, and these questions do have answers!
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Was Jesus a Carpenter? | Kids Answers We don’t know exactly what work Jesus did for a living, but we can be sure that he is the Son of God—the way, the truth, and the life.
Why Do Animals Die? | Kids Answers When our dog died, I was sad! But it reminded me how terrible sin is, and because of sin, everything and everyone must die.
Why Did Cain Kill Abel? | Kids Answers If we look at the Bible account of Cain and Abel, we see that they both offered sacrifices. But even though they both offered something to God, their hearts were different.
How Do We Know What To Do In Heaven? | Kids Answers “But as it is written: ‘Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered
into the heart of man The things which God has prepared for those who love Him’” (1 Corinthians 2:9)
A Parting of the Waves | Kids Answers Is there any natural explanation for the parting of the Red Sea that allowed Moses and the children of Israel to cross and elude the pharaoh’s army (Exodus 14)?
Catch and Release | Kids Answers How much do you know about
frogs? They snatch insects out of midair
with their sticky tongues. But can
you explain how they get the bug off
that sticky tongue?
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Out-Evolving a Fungus | Kids Answers An aggressive fungus has wiped out so many frog species in Latin America that
it’s now considered the worst infectious disease ever recorded among vertebrates.
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You Lookin’ at Me? | Kids Answers Whoever named the red-eyed
tree frog had a flair for the obvious.
Those startling orbs are hard to
miss—and that’s a problem. How do you keep an eye out
for predators if your eyes stand out to predators?
Gospel for Kids | Kids Answers Gospel means “good news,” and the message of salvation through Jesus Christ is very good news for everyone!
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More to the Story | Kids Answers We could spend a lifetime
studying ocean creatures. But there’s something much more
incredible to study: the God who made all of them!
Adam and Eve for Kids | Kids Answers Adam and Eve were the very first people. They were created perfect, but sadly they sinned against God and brought death and suffering into the world.
Did Adam And Eve Go To Heaven? | Kids Answers The Bible doesn’t say for sure if Adam and Eve went to heaven or believed God’s promise of the coming Savior. I think that the Bible shows that it is a good possibility.
New Remedies for Our Maladies? | Kids Answers As we wisely follow our dominion mandate, we continue to discover more ways to improve our health and help our fellow image bearers in this fallen world.
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Phytoplankton Power | Kids Answers Even in a fallen world, we see how God has arranged everything to work together in an orderly—and brilliant—fashion.
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Made to Match | Kids Answers An entire ecosystem flourishes thanks to God’s specialized design for the largest yucca tree and a little moth.
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Why Did God Make Weeds? | Kids Answers Genesis 1 tells us God created the plants on day 3 of creation week. Does this mean God created the plants we call “weeds”? Yes, he did! After God finished his work on day 3, he saw everything he had made and said it was “good.” This means even the plants we find pesky today God designed for a good purpose.
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Computing Evolutionary Ancestors | Kids Answers Computer experts designed a
set of algorithms to “compute” evolutionary
ancestors of genes that we find
in living humans and other creatures. While computer algorithms may
be highly accurate, their value is only as
good as the initial assumptions.
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Cancer Glasses | Kids Answers Glasses that imitate insects’ vision promise to help surgeons
detect cancer cells. The glasses incorporate a camera inspired
by morpho butterflies’ eyes.
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Viruses Keep You Healthy | Kids Answers Your body contains more than 150 trillion
viruses and absorbs about 30 billion
viruses a day. That’s what a recent study
suggests. Feeling sick yet?
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Clearly Designed | Kids Answers God ingeniously preprogrammed the genetic information essential for glass frogs to control their transparency.
When Was the Ice Age? | Kids Answers God’s Word doesn’t tell us the exact time things started chilling out, but that doesn’t mean we’re frozen in our tracks.
The Seven C’s for Kids | Kids Answers The Seven C’s of history—Creation, Corruption, Catastrophe, Confusion, Christ, Cross, and Consummation—tell the true history of earth as recorded in the Bible.
Creation: The World Around Us | Kids Answers Have you ever wondered how you got here or why the world is the way it is? Those are good questions, and God has told us what we need to know.
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Corruption: The Entrance of Sin | Kids Answers God created everything in six days and rested on the seventh day, and creation was GOOD! But if that’s how God made it, then what happened? Why is there death, disease, and pain?
Consummation: The Completion of Creation | Kids Answers With so many things happening in our lives, it can be easy to forget what our goal and purpose in life is. We must be sure to remember what Jesus shared with us as we wait for his return.
Creation | Kids Answers God made everything about 6,000 years ago, and it started out really good.
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The Seven C's of History: Consummation | Kids Answers God, in His great mercy, has promised to not leave His creation in its sinful state. He has promised to do away with the corruption Adam brought into the world.
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The Seven C's of History: Cross | Kids Answers The First Adam brought death into the world through his disobedience; the Last Adam (Jesus Christ) brought eternal life with God through His obedience.
| Answers in Genesis Educational choices matter. In an increasingly anti-God culture, children need to be equipped with solid, biblical answers to defend their faith.
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3562. Peter Walking on the Sea
| Answers in Genesis The gallant cry, “Command me to come to you on the water,” is quickly exchanged for the grievous wail, “Lord, save me.” So great his pluck, so dire his panic!
3560. The Narrow Gate
| Answers in Genesis Listen to what Jesus tells you shall come to pass with the multitude, that it may never come to pass with you as individuals.
3558. A Plea from the Cross
| Answers in Genesis Stay at the cross, beloved; there is no air so healthy and quickening as what is breathed there. There must be on earth the climax of your joy.
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3557. An Urgent Necessity
| Answers in Genesis While the gospel note rings from the silver trumpet of gracious invitation, “He who has ears to hear let him hear,” you still have time—time to seek the Lord.
3552. The Soul’s Desertion
| Answers in Genesis Beloved, the river of God, which is full of water, can well supply the little canals that are fed from such a fountain with grace for grace.
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3551. The Gospel in Power
| Answers in Genesis In these times, beloved, there must be made a distinction between man’s gospel and God’s gospel; for nowadays man’s gospel is popular enough.
3549. Little, But Lovely
| Answers in Genesis It is really pleasant to observe how much our Lord thought of his disciples; how deeply he sympathized with them; how far he was from despising them.
3546. Assurance Sought
| Answers in Genesis It is a sign of adoption, a mark of the residence of the Spirit of God within us, if in our times of trouble we flee to our God.
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3545. Our Glorious Leader
| Answers in Genesis When the Master advances, it is right to see the disciple follow, ready of foot, quick at his Master’s heel, delighted with his Master’s company.
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3544. The Only Road
| Answers in Genesis Christ is the way to God in a double sense—of being the truth which teaches men about the Father, and being the life which enables men to come to the Father.
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3543. Speaking on God’s Behalf
| Answers in Genesis For those of us who do speak, do not speak as we should; we are not always giving such evidence, and bearing such witness as well becomes us on God’s behalf.
3541. A Memorable Interview
| Answers in Genesis We fall into a wrong state of heart, not because we are unconverted, nor even because we are false to Christ, but simply because of our natural infirmity.
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3540. A Remarkable Blessing
| Answers in Genesis Moses died blessing the people. This showed his meekness, for they had been his plague all his life, and yet his last word with them is full of blessing.
12. The Peculiar Sleep of the Beloved
| Answers in Genesis Sleep is the gift of God; and not a man would close his eyes, if God did not put his fingers on his eyelids; nor the Almighty send a soft and balmy influence over his frame which lulled his thoughts i
2838. God’s Glory In Hiding Sin
| Answers in Genesis If you stand, oh sinner, and confess your guilt; if you say, oh rebel, “There is no doubt about the matter; I admit that I am guilty,” it is the glory of God that he can cover that sin which no one else can cover, and which your own conscience will not permit you to conceal!
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2882. Forgiveness And Fear
| Answers in Genesis Mercy was the last of his attributes that God was able to reveal. He could be great and good when the world was made, but he could not be merciful until sin had marred his perfect handiwork. There must be an offence committed before there can be mercy displayed towards the offender.
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3456. “Peace Be to You”
| Answers in Genesis I hope, indeed, I expect, that you will feel him here, and I pray that to each one of his people that soft word may come with divine power, “Peace be to you.”
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3270. The Truly Blessed Man
| Answers in Genesis It is an old saying, and possibly a true one, that every man is
seeking after happiness. If it is so, then every man should read this
Psalm, for this directs us where happiness is to be found in its
highest degree and purest form.
2902. Holiness Demanded
| Answers in Genesis Holiness, in a regenerate heart, is only an infant; it is not matured, — it is perfect in all its parts, but not perfect in its development. Hence, when we find many imperfections and many failings in ourselves, we are not to conclude that, therefore, we have no interest in the grace of God.
3344. Unanswered Prayer
| Answers in Genesis It is very clear to everyone who reads this Psalm that these are not so much the words of David as they are the words of David’s Son and David’s Lord, our blessed Master.
2925. Reasons for Doubting Christ
| Answers in Genesis You may doubt if on former occasions you have found God unfaithful to his promise. If he has lied to you, — if, after having said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you,” you have found, say on one occasion at the least, that he has utterly failed you and forsaken you.
2880. New Tokens Of Ancient Love
| Answers in Genesis We may firmly believe — in full accordance with the laws which regulate human minds, and without at all violating the free-agency of his creatures, — that God knows how to persuade men, indeed, and how sweetly to “compel them to come in,” so that his house may be filled.
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2726. Fourfold Satisfaction
| Answers in Genesis Dear brethren, what is the sacrifice of which we speak today, but the Lord Jesus Christ? We know of no other atoning sacrifice but the blessed person, body, soul, spirit, and blood of Jesus Christ, our incarnate God and Saviour. It is with this sacrifice that believers are perfectly satisfied.
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3261. The Covenant
| Answers in Genesis It is a wonderful thing that God should enter into gracious covenant
with men. That he should make man, and be gracious to man, is easily
to be conceived; but, that he should make a covenant with his
creature, and put his august majesty under bond to him by his own
promise, is marvellous.
475. Self-Delusion
| Answers in Genesis Every wise merchant will occasionally hold a stocktaking, when he will tally up his accounts, examine what he has on hand, and ascertain decisively whether his business is prosperous or declining.
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2857. God’s Goodness Leading To Repentance
| Answers in Genesis I expect that, as I learn more of God's goodness, it will always continue to lead me to repentance. The dearer Christ is to us, the blacker is sin in our sight. The sweeter the love of God is to us, the more bitter is the thought of having so long sinned against it.
3123. “The King Of The Jews”
| Answers in Genesis It was the usual custom of the Romans, when a man was put to death by crucifixion to affix to the cross, somewhere where it might be read, an account of his crime.
3311. The Water and the Blood
| Answers in Genesis Just as Adam fell asleep, and out of his side Eve was taken, so Jesus slept on the cross the sleep of death, and from his side, where the spear was thrust, his Church was taken.
2914. A Mournful Defection
| Answers in Genesis No mischief that ever befalls our Christian communities is more lamentable than what comes from the defection of the members. The heaviest sorrow that can wring a pastor’s heart is such as comes from the faithlessness of his most familiar friend.
2528. Eating The Sacrifice
| Answers in Genesis No sacrifice would have been
needed if the man bringing it had not been a sinner; and here, in
this case, I might have selected many texts to teach the truth I want
to bring out just now, but I have especially chosen this one because
it says, “They shall eat those things with which the atonement was
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357. The Christ of Patmos
| Answers in Genesis The Lord Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and for ever. Having neither beginning of days, nor end of years, he is a priest for ever after the order of Melchizedek.
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2498. A Portrait No Artist Can Paint
| Answers in Genesis While reading this description given by John of what he saw in the
isle called Patmos, I think you must have noticed that it would be
quite impossible for any painter to depict it on canvas, and equally
impossible for any sculptor to embody it in stone or marble.
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3467. A New Creation
| Answers in Genesis From the throne where sits the once crucified but now glorified Saviour, there comes a whisper of hope to each and every soul who would be made new.
2534. The Greatest Gift In Time Or Eternity
| Answers in Genesis It is my duty, and it is my delight, to
stand here and cry, “Ho, everyone who thirsts, come to the waters,
and he who has no money; come, buy, and eat; yes, come, buy wine and
milk without money and without price.”
2499. Christopathy
| Answers in Genesis If ever the spirit
should be deeply penitential, and yet humbly confident, it ought to
be so when we hear the lash falling on the divine and human person of
our blessed Master, and see him wounded for our transgressions, and
bruised for our iniquities.
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2827. The Redeemer Described By Himself
| Answers in Genesis Our Lord veiled his Godhead in the robe of manhood, and he came and lived here, among men, so that he might proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who were bound. He came, in fact, as it was foretold concerning him, that he might save his people from their sins.
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2840. Laying The Hand On The Sacrifice
| Answers in Genesis Sin cannot be in two places at the same time; if it is laid on Jesus, it is taken off from you. If you do, in your very soul, accept Christ as your Substitute, then it is clear that the Lord has laid on him your iniquity; and, therefore, your iniquity has passed away from you, and your sin is gone for ever.
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3436. Christ Glorified
| Answers in Genesis God has glorified his Son. How deeply we ought to regret that we glorify Christ so little, bought with his precious blood, owing all we have to him.
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2911. “Cases Of Conscience”
| Answers in Genesis This turmoil and unrest of spirit will grow into a burdensomeness of heart, just as Bunyan describes Christian with a burden on his back. He has his no visible burden on his shoulders, yet he has on his heart a load so heavy that it threatens to drive him to utter despair.
1068. A Simple Remedy
| Answers in Genesis Charles Spurgeon looks at a Suffering Servant passage in Isaiah and explains why these words are reason for both sorrow and joy.
2887. A Dire Disease Strangely Cured
| Answers in Genesis By nature, we are guilty; but when we look to Christ’s stripes, we see our guilt laid on him; and, since it cannot be in two places at one time, we know that it is not on us any longer. The moment that a poor sinner sees Christ bearing his burden of guilt, and trusts Christ as his Burden-Bearer, his burden is all gone.
173. The Death of Christ
| Answers in Genesis There is one great event, which every day attracts more admiration than does the sun, and moon, and stars, when they march in their courses. That event is, the death of our Lord Jesus Christ.
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561. Expiation
| Answers in Genesis Both Jews and Gentiles knew pretty well what an offering for sin meant. The Gentiles had been in the habit of offering sacrifices. The Jews, however, had the clearer idea of it by far.
2963. Unmitigated Prosperity
| Answers in Genesis It may be that the devil thought that the death of Christ was the defeat of Christ. If so, how greatly was he mistaken; for when Christ yielded up the ghost, he won an everlasting victory.
1385. The Day Of Salvation
| Answers in Genesis Charles Spurgeon shows the grand reason for this day of salvation, speaks of the glorious day itself, and dwells upon the dark shadows which may close that day.
2818. Jesus And His Forerunner
| Answers in Genesis You may assume that when the devil roars, it is because he has been hit pretty hard; and that whenever there is the most rage against the gospel, it is one evidence of the gospel’s growing power. It was so in our Saviour’s experience, for he had a most fruitful time after the most violent and bitter opposition.
2920. Election: Its Defences And Evidences
| Answers in Genesis Truth is never dangerous, it is error and reticence that are fraught with peril. “But do men not abuse the doctrine of grace?” I grant you that they do; but if we destroyed everything that men misuse, we should have nothing left.
2826. The King In Pilate’s Hall
| Answers in Genesis Observe, too, — for it is worthy of notice, — how modestly and unobtrusively our Saviour answered Pilate’s questioning. It is an unhappy circumstance that some men seem as if they cannot speak boldly without having some pride mixed with their courage.
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2409. A Great Sermon By The Greatest Preacher
| Answers in Genesis It is from heaven that this voice comes; it is the voice of the Father himself who speaks; and what the voice says is worthy to be treasured in the hearts of us all: “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.”
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2806. “Jesus Our Lord.”
| Answers in Genesis Unbelief is presumptuous, but faith is always humble. The more you know of Jesus as your Saviour, saving you from sin, the more you will recognise him also as your Lord. No one rebels against Christ because he believes in him; but, because we believe in him, he becomes our Lord, and we learn to obey him.
2555. The Stronghold
| Answers in Genesis Have you read this chapter through? It is a very terrible one; it is
like the rushing of a mighty river when it is nearing a cataract.
2899. “To You”
| Answers in Genesis If, in this country, men and women continue to go after the idolatrous calves of Ritualism, or turn aside to the modern Sadduceeism of scepticism, it may be that the Lord will remove the lampstand out of its place, and that the word of the gospel will be no longer sent to us.
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384. Full Assurance
| Answers in Genesis The Psalmist, when he wrote these words, was surrounded by many and furious enemies. He pleads with God to take hold on shield and buckler, and to come forth for his defense.
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3137. Soul Satisfaction
| Answers in Genesis This text may very properly be understood as a request that God would teach the soul to rest on him in temporal difficulties, and straits, and distresses.
942. The Way
| Answers in Genesis What does it mean that Jesus is the only way to the Father, and what are the implications of this truth? Charles Spurgeon explains.
2751. A Prepared Place For A Prepared People
| Answers in Genesis Our Lord Jesus Christ has gone to heaven, he says, so that he may prepare a place for his servants, and we may be helped to form some idea of what he means by this expression if we just think a little about it. And, first, I am sure that must be a very great and glorious place which needs Christ to prepare it.
3510. The Fainting Soul Revived
| Answers in Genesis To convince a man of his error, to arrest him in his evil pursuits, to reclaim him to the paths of righteousness—this is seldom accomplished without dire trouble and deep affliction.
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2672. Neither Forsaken Nor Forgotten
| Answers in Genesis We imagine that God has forgotten us, so I want to show you that, if we are believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord gives an answer to us similar to what he gave to sorrowful Zion, “I have inscribed you on the palms of my hands.”
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2515. Something Worth Seeking
| Answers in Genesis If you saw a farmer
feeding his barn-door fowls plentifully, you would not believe a
slanderer who said that the man starved his children; and as long as
you see God providing for the baser creatures, and even the wild
beasts that he has formed, rest assured that he will take care of his
3238. A Vision Of The King
| Answers in Genesis I will direct your thoughts to four things; first, a King pre-eminent; secondly, a vision predicted; thirdly, a beauty particular; and, fourthly, a land possessed.
2475. “My Garden” — “His Garden”
| Answers in Genesis What a difference there is between what the believer was by nature
and what the grace of God has made him! Our Lord
Jesus said to his disciples, “My Father is the gardener,” and he has
made us to be fruitful to his praise, full of sweetness where once
there was no fruit, and nothing that could give him delight.
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2721. Faith Without Sight
| Answers in Genesis We have a blessing, special and unique, through not having seen, and yet having believed, so let us not try to diminish it, first, by pining for a voice, or a vision, or a revelation, something which is like sight, so that it could not then be so well said of us that we have not seen.
2842. The Sower
| Answers in Genesis What does our reputation matter, after all? It is of little or no value to the child of God. Serve God faithfully, and then leave your name and fame in his keeping. There is a day coming when the righteous shall shine out as the sun in the kingdom of their Father.
3504. Following Christ
| Answers in Genesis In Jesus Christ we see gentleness, meekness, and the most tender affection, and we see the most hearty sympathy with everything that belongs to manhood.
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3538. Preparation for Heaven
| Answers in Genesis He who can talk about the grave and about the hereafter with such intelligence, thoughtfulness, faith, and strong desire as Paul did, is a man to be envied.
3534. The Light of the World
| Answers in Genesis John the Baptist, whom all men considered a prophet, had testified that Christ was the true light who enlightens every man that comes into the world.
3530. A Sad Confession
| Answers in Genesis Let us make the reflection our own, as we humbly bow at the dear pierced feet of our Lord, and remember how cruelly we slighted our kindest friend.
3527. The Divided Heart
| Answers in Genesis Beware of the sin which is of your own choosing. I may say, beware of all sin, for in a measure it is deliberate, and of your own choosing.
3521. A Searching Test
| Answers in Genesis When men’s minds are pure, other matters become pure to them, but when their minds are impure then they use these things for impurity.
3517. Sympathy and Song
| Answers in Genesis Sympathy is a duty of manhood. We are all brethren sprung from the same stock, and what is a good thing for any man ought to be a joy to me.
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3516. Love and Jealousy
| Answers in Genesis We believe it will be fair to say that there are two high spiritual forms of love and jealousy, and that our text is lucid in its description of both.
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3515. The Fruits of Grace
| Answers in Genesis Do not let the missionary be afraid, even if for thousands of years to come there should be little apparent success to the preaching of the gospel.
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30. The Power of the Holy Ghost
| Answers in Genesis Power is the special and peculiar prerogative of God, and God alone. “Twice have I heard this: that power belongs to God.” God is God: and power belongs to him.
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327. Vessels Of Mercy
| Answers in Genesis Since my sermon is intended to be practical and not controversial, I shall solemnly invite each hearer to tremble lest he should belong to the reprobate and abandoned vessels of wrath.
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168. The First Christmas Carol
| Answers in Genesis He who contemplates the character of angels, and notes their many deeds of sympathy with men, and kindness towards them, cannot resist the impulse of his nature—the impulse of love towards them.
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2839. “Prisoners Of Hope”
| Answers in Genesis In the last dread hour of death, when conscience looks at sin as it really is, and no longer is blinded, nothing can bring it peace but the blood of the Lamb. Nothing can give the soul repose, when it is about to meet its God, except the knowledge that Christ was made a curse for us so that we might be blessed in him.
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2883. Prisoners Delivered
| Answers in Genesis . I thought, dear friends, that you were pulled up out of the pit; have you been made prisoners again? If it is so, it is very sad, but you can never be imprisoned as you were before. When the Lord once set you free, you should have taken good care not to go back again into bondage.
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2285. Paul The Ready
| Answers in Genesis Paul was no sooner converted, than he was ready for holy service; and “immediately he preached Christ” in the synagogues at Damascus.
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2557. A Vexed Soul Comforted
| Answers in Genesis We think, and think rightly, that a Christian man should “glory in tribulations also,” and rise superior to all outward afflictions; but it is not always so with us. Not only are the temptations needed for the trial of our faith, but it is even necessary that we should be in heaviness through them.
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2903. Sleepers Aroused
| Answers in Genesis And Jonah was asleep when he needed to be awake. He, above all other men, was the one who ought to be awake, and call on his God. If anyone goes to sleep nowadays, it certainly ought not to be the believer in the Lord Jesus Christ.
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2422. “There Is Forgiveness.”
| Answers in Genesis Cast yourself on the mercy of your Judge, and you shall find mercy; but first acknowledge that you need mercy. Be honest with your conscience, and honest with your God, and confess your iniquity which you have done, and mourn over the righteousness to which you have not attained.
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2792. A Psalmist’s Question And Answer
| Answers in Genesis When your prayer has been most prevalent, it is then that you have seen most of its imperfection; and when your faith has been most vigorous, it is just then that you have had to lament your unbelief. I firmly believe that it is only the gross spiritual darkness of ignorance that makes any man think himself perfect.
2279. Joy Hindering Faith
| Answers in Genesis I take this text so that I may deal with some people who have found Christ, and are saved, but who are now troubled because it seems too good to be true.
2408. Christ The Cure For Troubled Hearts
| Answers in Genesis Unbelief is a great troubler. Our peace comes to us by faith; and if our faith grows weak, our peace of mind is apt to decline and we are likely to become much disturbed in spirit. If those who are believers, who have passed from death to life, are sometimes troubled, you may be sure that others are.
1753. Blessed Promises For Dying Outcasts
| Answers in Genesis The promises of this verse will be extremely sweet to those who feel their personal need of them; but those who boast that they are neither sick nor wounded will take no interest in this comforting word.
2567. The Single-Handed Conquest
| Answers in Genesis I believe that the best and grandest achievements of mortals lose their
glory when they are too closely examined, and that the frequency of
our sight of them very much lessens our wondering admiration.
The Love Of Our Espousals
| Answers in Genesis Brethren, we may forget the past, but God does not. He says, “I remember you, the kindness of your youth.” The Lord remembers what he has done for us, and he expects a return.
213. The Fatherhood of God
| Answers in Genesis I think there is room for very great doubt, whether our Saviour intended the prayer to be used in the manner in which it is commonly employed among professing Christians.
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206. Everyone’s Sermon
| Answers in Genesis When the Lord wished to wean his people Israel from their iniquities, he did not leave any stone unturned, but gave them precept upon precept, line upon line, here a little and there a little.
1779. Grappling Irons
| Answers in Genesis Like other men, David desired to be preserved in life and kept in prosperity, but his main prayer is not about these matters.
2516. Jesus And His Brethren
| Answers in Genesis There is scarcely any personal type in the Old Testament which
is more clearly and fully a portrait of our Lord Jesus Christ than
the type of Joseph is. You may run the parallel between Joseph and
Jesus in very many directions, yet you need never strain the
narrative so much as even once.
957. Jesus No Phantom
| Answers in Genesis Charles Spurgeon discusses Matthew 14:26, and explains that many people make a mistake similar to the disciples in thinking wrongly about Jesus.
Covenant Blessings
| Answers in Genesis God has made many covenants at various times, and none of these covenants has he ever broken, but the covenant here referred to is a better covenant than all these, it is the covenant of grace. It was made by God with Christ for us before all worlds were created.
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2849. Remembering God’s Works
| Answers in Genesis “He has made his wonderful works to be remembered.” Let us act in harmony with this grand design, and preserve the memory of the Lord’s great goodness to us. If some of the wonderful deliverances recorded in the biographies of the saints had not been written down at the time, we should have been great losers.
2992. God’s Writing On Man’s Heart
| Answers in Genesis This is not the language of the old covenant, but of the new
covenant. The prospects of life held out in the law have all
dissolved into a ministry of death as the penalty of disobedience.
421. “It Is Finished!”
| Answers in Genesis My brethren, I wish to have you attentively observe the extraordinary clarity, power, and sharpness of the Saviour’s mind in the last agonies of death.
3252. “By Water And Blood”
| Answers in Genesis Christ came to purify
them from the power of sin, so that they might no longer live in it;
this is indicated by the declaration that he “came by water.” He came
also to put away the guilt of their sin, so that they might not be
condemned for it; this is to intimate that he also came “by blood.”
2915. A Visit to Bethlehem
| Answers in Genesis The Infinite became finite; the Almighty consented to become weak; he, who upheld all things by the word of his power, willingly became helpless; he, who spoke all worlds into existence, resigned for a while even the power of speech.
2529. Compassion On The Ignorant
| Answers in Genesis The ignorant have need of compassion. “That the soul is without
knowledge, it is not good.” Every kind of ignorance, like darkness,
is evil; and knowledge, which is light, is, according to its kind,
good, or better, or best.
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182. Human Inability
| Answers in Genesis Coming to Christ, though described by some people as being the very easiest thing in all the world, is utterly and entirely impossible to any man, unless the Father shall draw him to Christ.
1772. Slaying The Sacrifice
| Answers in Genesis Without controversy, great is this mystery of godliness, that Christ revealed in the flesh must die for sin, or otherwise sin cannot be put away.
2865. Fencing The Table
| Answers in Genesis Spurgeon Sermon 2865. Fencing The Table, delivered On Lord’s Day Evening, January 2, 1876, By C. H. Spurgeon, At The Metropolitan Tabernacle, Newington.
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2699. Examination Before Communion
| Answers in Genesis Every man may know that the responsibility of his coming to the Lord’s table rests entirely with himself: “Let a man examine himself, and so let him come.” Not, “Let a man go to his minister, and be examined”; or, “Let him go to his priest, and make confession.” No, no: “Let a man examine himself, and so let him eat.”
1486. The Shame And Spitting
| Answers in Genesis Charles Spurgeon describes Jesus as the representative of God, as the substitute of his people, as the servant of Jehovah, and as the Comforter of his redeemed.
2738. The Redeemer’s Face Set Like A Flint
| Answers in Genesis Christ was so resolved to achieve the redemption of his people that, even when reproach had broken his heart, and he was full of heaviness, he still set his face like a flint, and determined that he would accomplish the work that he had undertaken.
2278. Feeding On The Word
| Answers in Genesis The great gate between heaven and the town of Mansoul is Ear-gate. We can see very little of the things of the kingdom but we can hear much concerning them.
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2581. Perfection In Christ
| Answers in Genesis Perfection in Jesus Christ! What effect ought it to have on our hearts if it really is ours? Perfection! What do we know about it from Scripture?
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2797. The Need And Nature Of Conversion
| Answers in Genesis There is no Saviour for the man who will not forsake his sin. Such a man can never be among the people who shall run to Christ, for how can he run to Christ while he continues in the way of sin? While he hugs his sin, he cannot embrace the Saviour who hates sin with a perfect hatred.
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2954. The Big Gates Wide Open
| Answers in Genesis We shall never be able to escape from the doctrine of divine predestination, — the doctrine that God has foreordained certain people for eternal life.
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3299. Ho! Ho!
| Answers in Genesis May
we be longing and panting after our God in that sense until we shall
be filled with his Spirit, and shall dwell in his presence to go no
more out for ever!
2886. Restless! Peaceless!
| Answers in Genesis Pride is another enemy of peace and rest. If you see a proud man, you may feel sure that he is not a restful man. Take care that you do not catch their complaint, for it is very contagious, and there are many who are proud of their humility, and who condemn the pride of others when they are really prouder themselves.
1090. For the Troubled
| Answers in Genesis Charles Spurgeon reminds his listeners that God makes good come from difficult times and that Christians should focus on the benefits of these troubles.
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2535. An Exceptional Plea In Prayer
| Answers in Genesis He who
said, “God, I thank you that I am not as other men are,” received no
commendation from the Lord Jesus Christ; but he who said, “God, be
merciful to me, a sinner,” went down to his house justified rather
than the other.
2500. Number 2500; Or, Entrance And Exclusion
| Answers in Genesis Everything turned on the coming of the
bridegroom. To the ten virgins, that was the chief event of the
night. If it had not been for his coming, they would not have gone
out with their lamps. It was because they knew he would surely come
that they prepared themselves to join in the marriage procession.
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2828. Startling!
| Answers in Genesis The predestination of God does not destroy the free-agency of man, or lighten the responsibility of the sinner. It is true, in the matter of salvation, when God comes to save, his free grace prevails over our free-agency, and leads the will in glorious captivity to the obedience of faith.
2841. Prayer — Its Discouragements And Encouragements
| Answers in Genesis Do you think, then, if prayer only asked for in sport prevailed with God, that he will not hear your earnest cries for your own offspring? Oh Christians, be fervent in your supplications, for God will surely hear you, and your children shall be saved!
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2912. Comfort For Tried Believers
| Answers in Genesis You may think, my dear brothers and sisters, that you have been tried more than others; but it is only your lack of knowledge of the trials of others which leads you to imagine that your own are unique. There are many others, besides yourself, in the furnace, and in quite as hot a part as you are now in.
1059. To the Thoughtless
| Answers in Genesis The Israelites often forgot to thank God for their many blessings and instead focused on themselves. Charles Spurgeon reminds his readers that we often do the same and he offers the solution.
2888. “Christ Is All”
| Answers in Genesis Now, if Christ is all, then, beloved brothers and sisters, let us live for him. If he is all, let us spend our strength, and be ready to lay down the last particle of it that we have, and to die for him; and then let us, whenever we need anything, go to him for it, for “Christ is all.”
552. Do You Know Him?
| Answers in Genesis The object of the apostle’s life — that for which he sacrificed everything: country, kindred, honour, comfort, liberty, and life itself, was, that he might know Christ.
2260. Christ’s Hospital
| Answers in Genesis I am persuaded that, without a deep experience of sin, there is seldom much belief in the doctrine of grace, and not much enthusiasm in praising the Saviour.
2819. A Caution For Sin-Sick Souls
| Answers in Genesis There is a tendency, in the heart of man, to want something to look at rather than something to trust in. The children of Israel had God for their King, and a glorious King he was. But they said, “No, let us have a king whom we can see.” God granted them that request.
147. The Sound in the Mulberry Trees
| Answers in Genesis David had just fought the Philistines in this very valley, and gained a signal victory, so that he said, “the Lord has broken forth upon my enemies before me as the breach of waters.”
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285. Man’s Ruin and God’s Remedy
| Answers in Genesis Man has very many needs, and he should be grateful whenever the least of them is supplied. But he has one need which exceeds every other: it is the need for food.
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277. The Blood of the Everlasting Covenant
| Answers in Genesis All God’s dealings with men have had a covenant character. It has so pleased him to arrange it that he won't deal with us except through a covenant, nor can we deal with him except in the same manner.
2824. Mocked By The Soldiers
| Answers in Genesis Now we will leave those Roman soldiers, and the Jews that had a hand in persecuting him, for he who delivered him to them had committed an even greater sin. From this incident in our Lord’s life, I think we may learn, first, lessons for the heart; and, secondly, lessons for the conscience.
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2820. Christ Before Annas
| Answers in Genesis This man Annas has not become so infamous as Pontius Pilate, because his name did not happen to be mentioned in the Nicene Creed; but, in some respects, he was even more guilty than the Roman governor. It must not be forgotten that he was first in trying the Saviour: “they led him away to Annas first.”
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2822. Christ In Bonds
| Answers in Genesis Our only subject, on this occasion, is, Christ in bonds, — the Son of God as an Ambassador in bonds, a King in chains, — the God-man sent, bound, to take his trial in the court of the high priest, Caiaphas. From the binding of our dear Redeemer, I learn a lesson concerning sin.
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2825. Majesty In Misery
| Answers in Genesis I hope that some spiritual profit may come to us while we are considering this terrible part of the suffering of our Lord. Omnipotence allows itself to be bound, and never proves itself more truly omnipotent than when it restrains itself, and permits itself to be held as a prisoner by sinful men.
2367. God’s Hidden Ones
| Answers in Genesis Nothing stirs a man more than when his children are assailed; the most quiet and inoffensive individual grows angry if his little one is touched.
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2900. How God Comes To Man
| Answers in Genesis Suspense is worse than death; we seem to feel a thousand deaths while we are kept in suspense of one. So God would not leave Adam and Eve in suspense through the whole night after they had sinned against him, but he came to them in the cool of the day.
681. Eyes Opened
| Answers in Genesis Using the examples of Hagar in Genesis and the apostles in Luke, Charles Spurgeon explains how God’s mercy is displayed.
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672. The Ravens’ Cry
| Answers in Genesis Charles Spurgeon explains that since God provides for the ravens when they cry, He will certainly provide for our needs when we cry to Him.
266. The Blind Beggar
| Answers in Genesis When we see a blind man in poverty, and following the beggar’s trade in the frequented streets, we can hardly forbear stopping to assist him.
101. The Exaltation of Christ
| Answers in Genesis The text I have selected is one that has comforted me, and in a great measure, enabled me to come here today—the single reflection upon it had such a power of comfort on my depressed spirit.
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96. The Christian–A Debtor
| Answers in Genesis The gospel softened the heart of Paul, and made him forget all national animosities, otherwise, one of the downtrodden race would not have called his oppressor, “brother.”
2265. Harvest Joy
| Answers in Genesis Christ’s servant says, “Give me converts, or I die.” Indeed, we are dead as far as our ministry is concerned unless God blesses it.
300. Spiritual Peace
| Answers in Genesis Our Lord was now about to die, to depart from this world, and to ascend to his Father; he therefore makes his will; and this is the blessed legacy which he leaves to the faithful.
2895. A Blessed Gospel Chain
| Answers in Genesis Our text is not meant for the men of the world, who have their portion in this life, but for the chosen, and called, and faithful, who are brought into the inner circle of Christ’s disciples, and taught to understand the mysteries of his kingdom.
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2896. Harvest Time
| Answers in Genesis Bear in mind, if you and I sin against God, God will take our sin, and he will get an essence from it that will be bitter to our taste; though he does not make us eat the fruits, yet he will still make us grieve and sorrow over our sins.
2752. The Door
| Answers in Genesis “I am the door.” Is there no other entrance, then, into the divine mercy? Is there no other entrance into the true Church? Is there no other entrance into the eternal blessedness of heaven except by him? No; there is no other, for he says, “I am the door: by me if any man enters in, he shall be saved.”
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238. Reform
| Answers in Genesis It is a pleasant sight to behold thousands assembled together to worship God; but it is lamentable to reflect, how the reverence exhibited in the sanctuary is lost when the threshold is crossed.
4. The Personality of the Holy Ghost
| Answers in Genesis In this discourse I shall endeavour to explain and enforce certain other doctrines which I believe are plainly taught in this text and which I hope God the Holy Ghost may make profitable to our souls.
6. Sweet Comfort for Feeble Saints
| Answers in Genesis Fame is not an impartial judge; she has her favourites. Some men she extols, exalts, and almost deifies; others, whose virtues are far greater, and whose characters are more deserving of commendation,
2442. “My Beloved Is Mine.”
| Answers in Genesis This is a versicle from the Song of Songs, and I do not hesitate to
say that it is the soul and heart of that divine composition. The
bride dressed in her richest posey wears no jewel more precious than
this diamond of full assured possession. There is poetry here which
not one of the sons of music can excel.
2485. Love’s Vigilance Rewarded
| Answers in Genesis This sacred Canticle is almost the central Book of
the Bible; it seems to stand like the tree of life in the midst of
the garden of Eden, in the very centre of the Paradise of God. You
must know Christ, and love Christ, or else many of the expressions in
this Book will seem to you as only an idle tale.
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1932. Love’s Law And Life
| Answers in Genesis Obedience must have love for its mother, nurse, and food. The essence of obedience lies in the hearty love which prompts the deed rather than in the deed itself.
643. No Tears in Heaven
| Answers in Genesis Spurgeon Sermon 643. No Tears in Heaven, delivered on Sunday Morning, August 6, 1865, by C. H. Spurgeon, at the Metropolitan Tabernacle, Newington.
1800. Heaven Below
| Answers in Genesis If Christians lived as they should, this world would become a heaven below. The true Christian life is the rough draft of the life of full communion above.
98. Making Light of Christ
| Answers in Genesis That which was recorded in history as having been done by man centuries ago, might be written again, for “there is nothing new under the sun.”
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2398. The Mediation Of Moses
| Answers in Genesis God in Moses seemed to overcome God out of Moses. God in the Mediator—the Man Christ Jesus—appears to be stronger for mercy than God apart from the Mediator.
2673. Christ Crucified
| Answers in Genesis With regard to the doctrines which you believe, I beseech you, do not know anything except Jesus Christ, and him crucified. Jesus Christ and him crucified is the sum total of all I want to know, and of all the doctrines which I profess and preach.
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2692. Church Increase
| Answers in Genesis Men who have no grace in their hearts despise the Church of God. Those who have only a little grace have only slight sympathy with her condition. Men who have great grace, and are conscious of having received much mercy from God, have great sympathy with the Church of God, and a deep regard for her.
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2693. Priest And Victim
| Answers in Genesis If God is to pardon sin, there must be something done by which his law can be honoured, his justice can be vindicated, and his truthfulness can be established; in fact, there must be an atonement.
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2776. The Church A Mother
| Answers in Genesis Take each member of the Church individually, he is a child; take us altogether, we make up the mother, the Church. Even when she is not continually using the name, yet is she a tender and affectionate nursing-mother to all her offspring. I shall begin here very briefly to speak about this mother.
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2777. The Queen Of Sheba, A Sign
| Answers in Genesis Firstly, the conduct of the queen of Sheba condemns unbelievers; secondly, that condemnation is strengthened by many circumstances connected with her history; and, thirdly, the condemnation of such a witness must be solemn and overwhelming.
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1941. Grace For Communion
| Answers in Genesis Spurgeon Sermon 1941. Grace For Communion, A Short Address To A Few Friends At Mentone, At The Breaking Of Bread, On Lord’s Day Afternoon, January 2, 1887, By C. H. Spurgeon.
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2843. The Seed By The Wayside
| Answers in Genesis Sin hardens the heart. Every sin makes room for another sin, and it is always easier to sin again after you have sinned once. Indeed, more, I might even say that it becomes almost inevitable that you will sin again after you have sinned once. Sin hardens the mind so that it does not receive the gospel.
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2844. Seed On A Rock
| Answers in Genesis Mmore than all things, dread insincerity; next to that, above all other things, dread superficiality in religion. Know yourself; know Christ Jesus as your Saviour; know the work of the Holy Spirit; all this is knowable, and must be known, or else, before long, you will wither away because you have no depth of earth.
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2845. Lacking Moisture
| Answers in Genesis These people lacked that moisture. They were converted, as far as they were converted at all, through the eloquence of the preacher. Or they were converted by the zeal and earnestness of Christian people. But, if you were converted by one man, another man can unconvert you.
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2846. “No Root In Themselves.”
| Answers in Genesis It is a comparatively easy thing to increase the church roll, but it is only God’s almighty grace that can preserve to the end those whose names are written in our church records. It is better to have only one convert who will endure to the end than twenty who only endure for a while, and in time of trial fall away.
115. Why Are Men Saved?
| Answers in Genesis The first one is the question of authorship: who made all these things? And the next question is that of design: For what purpose were all these things created?
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110. Heavenly Worship
| Answers in Genesis To the Hebrew mind Mount Sion was a type of heaven, and very justly so. Among all the mountains of the earth none was to be found so famous as Sion.
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72. Israel at the Red Sea
| Answers in Genesis No doubt the children of Israel supposed that now all was over; the Egyptians had sent them away, entreating them to depart, and loading them with riches.
2995. Very Exceptional
| Answers in Genesis Ahithophel was a man of keen perception, and those who consulted him
followed his advice with as much confidence as if he had been an
oracle from heaven.
2458. Reasons For An Exceptional Question
| Answers in Genesis The great Son of David knew that the man who cried to him,
“Have mercy on me,” really meant by that plea, “Lord, give me my
sight.” Yet our blessed Lord never asked a foolish question, and
never spoke an idle word. There is a deep meaning, a gracious reason,
in all that he says.
2955. Simple But Sound
| Answers in Genesis To know your blindness is good, but it is not enough. It would be a dreadful thing for you to go from an awakened conscience on earth to a tormenting conscience in hell.
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3505. A Miracle of Grace
| Answers in Genesis With weeping and earnest pleading he besought that his life might be spared. His prayer was heard, his tears were seen, and his petition was granted by God.