Translating Truth
| Answers in Genesis Missionaries have been taking the gospel to people around the world for many years. But there are still people who have yet to hear the good news of Jesus Christ.
An Herb for Everyone
| Answers in Genesis We each have hundreds of receptors that detect
chemicals in the air and our food, signaling our
brains to recognize smells and tastes.
Answers in Depth 2025 Volume 20
| Answers in Genesis Answers in Depth explores the biblical worldview in addressing modern scientific research, history, current events, popular media, theology, and much more.
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Answers in Depth 2024 Volume 19
| Answers in Genesis Answers in Depth explores the biblical worldview in addressing modern scientific research, history, current events, popular media, theology, and much more.
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Answers in Depth 2023 Volume 18
| Answers in Genesis Answers in Depth explores the biblical worldview in addressing modern scientific research, history, current events, popular media, theology, and much more.
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Answers in Depth 2022 Volume 17
| Answers in Genesis Answers in Depth explores the biblical worldview in addressing modern scientific research, history, current events, popular media, theology, and much more.
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Answers in Depth 2021 Volume 16
| Answers in Genesis Answers in Depth explores the biblical worldview in addressing modern scientific research, history, current events, popular media, theology, and much more.
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Answers in Depth 2020 Volume 15
| Answers in Genesis Answers in Depth explores the biblical worldview in addressing modern scientific research, history, current events, popular media, theology, and much more.
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Answers in Depth 2019 Volume 14
| Answers in Genesis Answers in Depth explores the biblical worldview in addressing modern scientific research, history, current events, popular media, theology, and much more.
Did God Use Evolution?
| Answers in Genesis According to the view of theistic evolution, God started the process of evolution and guided and steered it over millions of years. As an information scientist, Werner Gitt critically analyzes and rejects the assumptions and consequences of the doctrine of theistic evolution.
One Race, One Blood
| Answers in Genesis Most people do not realize how intimately connected the popular idea of evolution and the worst racist ideology in history are. Ken Ham and Dr. Charles Ware reveal the compelling history of the effect of an evolution-based belief system on the history of the United States, including slavery, the Civil Rights Movement, and abortion. They go beyond politically-correct speech to show the tragic global harvest of death and tragedy that stems from Darwin’s controversial beliefs.
Already Gone Online Book
| Answers in Genesis Statistics reveal a huge disconnect taking place between our children and their church experience. Nationwide polls and denominational reports are showing that the next generation is calling it quits on the traditional church. And it’s not just happening on the nominal fringe; it’s happening at the core of the faith. In the first scientific study of its kind, the “Beemer Report” reveals startling facts discovered through 20,000 phone calls and detailed surveys of a thousand 20–29 year olds who used to attend evangelical churches on a regular basis, but have since left it behind. The results are shocking.
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Introduction: Already Gone
| Answers in Genesis Since 1969, 1,500 churches in England have heard that final thud as their doors were shut after their final service after hundreds of years of active life.
Universe by Design
| Answers in Genesis This book explores the universe, explaining its origins and discussing the historical development of cosmology from a creationist viewpoint.
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| Answers in Genesis The first few chapters of the Bible describe what I, the author, believe to be the origin and early history of mankind, the earth, and the universe.
Waiting for the Promise
| Answers in Genesis As you reflect through this devotional on the promises of God for 4,000 years before the birth of Christ, be reminded of his great love for you that he would send his only Son to offer salvation for sinners!
The New Answers Book 1
| Answers in Genesis The New Answers Book 1 is packed with biblical answers to over 25 of the most important questions on creation/evolution and the Bible.
The New Answers Book 4
| Answers in Genesis Building on the previous New Answers Books, now you get the important information you need regarding the Gospel and a young earth, death of plants and leaves, dragons, peppered moths, religious wars, cavemen, science and the Bible, living fossils, and more.
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The New Answers Book 3
| Answers in Genesis Do you have answers to the big questions about the Christian faith, evolution, creation, and the biblical worldview? Now you get the important information you need regarding the existence of God, global warming and climate change, cloning and stem cells, human and chimp DNA, the importance of Mount St. Helens, and more.
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Old-Earth Creationism on Trial
| Answers in Genesis As the modern Church struggles to find a place of relevancy for a new generation that already has massive demands on its time and attention, more and more young people raised in the Church are leaving it—failing to find the answers to their questions of faith and life, beset with doubts raised by issues that the Church chooses not to address. Opting to skirt the controversy of Genesis as literal history, the biblical authority of the Holy Word is called into question and reduced to a collection of mere stories.
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Evolution Exposed: Earth Science
| Answers in Genesis In this follow-up to the best-selling Evolution Exposed: Biology, author Roger Patterson shows students how to respectfully counter the evolutionary bias and indoctrination in astronomical and geological evolution.
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| Answers in Genesis The purpose of this book is to provide students & teachers with biblical & scientific insight into the true nature of evolution, uniformitarian geology, & the big bang as taught in public schools.
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The Lie: Evolution
| Answers in Genesis This book powerfully equips Christians to defend the book of Genesis and opens eyes to the evil effects of evolution on today’s society.
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Foreword | The Lie: Evolution
| Answers in Genesis This book gives Christians much needed answers to the common questions of the unbeliever and advice for parents who must prepare their children to face a rebellious secular world.
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| Answers in Genesis This book deals with the relevance of a literal Genesis. I pray that it will challenge the mind and heart in pastor, layperson, scholar, and student alike.
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The New Answers Book 2
| Answers in Genesis One thing is certain—skeptics don’t always ask the same questions, and in today’s skeptical culture, common questions are on the rise. Picking up where volume 1 left off, this second volume contains answers to more than 30 questions on creation/evolution and the Bible that can be read in any order.
Creation: Facts of Life
| Answers in Genesis Dr. Parker, a leading creation scientist and former AiG speaker, presents the classic arguments for evolution used in public schools, universities, and the media, and refutes them in an entertaining and easy-to-read style. A must for students and teachers alike! This is a great book to give to a non-Christian as a witnessing tool.
Glass House Book
| Answers in Genesis Glass House clearly defends against the onslaught of evolution while exposing the fallacies and weaknesses that evolutionists don’t want you to know. Stand in confidence as a believer as you learn to counter the glass house deceptions.
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Evolution Exposed
| Answers in Genesis This book helps teens to discern the chronic bias towards belief in evolution that permeates today’s three most popular high school biology textbooks. Virtually every chapter in each of the secular textbooks contains implied or explicit references to evolutionary beliefs, which are misrepresented as irrefutable facts. However, in Evolution Exposed: Biology these misrepresentations are cross-referenced with online articles and publications that provide both scientific and biblical answers. Key terms are defined, articles are summarized and false ideas are refuted.
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| Answers in Genesis The purpose of this book is to provide students and teachers in biology classrooms with biblical and scientific insight into the true nature of evolution as it is taught in public schools.
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Frozen in Time
| Answers in Genesis Author Michael Oard gives plausible explanations of the seemingly unsolvable mysteries about the Ice Age and the woolly mammoths. Many other Ice Age topics are explained including super floods, ice cores, man in the Ice Age, and the number of ice ages.
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| Answers in Genesis The bones, tusks, and especially carcasses of millions of woolly mammoths frozen in the tundra of Siberia have excited the imaginations of children and scientists for hundreds of years.
Searching for Adam
| Answers in Genesis You can believe what the Bible says about Adam and man's origin and with intellectual integrity reject the myth of human evolution.
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Why Won’t They Listen? Online Book
| Answers in Genesis This revolutionary book has already opened the eyes of thousands of Christians showing why the traditional methods of evangelism are not reaching today’s humanistic, evolutionized culture. By applying proven soul-winning methods as found in the Scriptures, this book will revolutionize your witnessing. Why not encourage your pastors to read it too?
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The Great Turning Point
| Answers in Genesis Many people in the church today think that “young-earth” creationism is a fairly recent invention, popularized by fundamentalist Christians in the mid-20th century. Is this view correct? Answers in Genesis scholar Dr. Terry Mortenson presents his fascinating original research that documents a different story.
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Collective Portrait
| Answers in Genesis All the scriptural geologists in the early 19th century believed that Genesis 1–11 provided a divinely inspired and historically accurate account of the origin and early history of the world.
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The Historical Context
| Answers in Genesis Before considering some of the individual scriptural geologists, we need to consider the intellectual and religious background and the history of geology leading up to the early 19th century, the cultural milieu at that time, what the Bible commentaries on Genesis were saying, and the marks of geological competence in the early 1800s.
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George Bugg (1769–1851)
| Answers in Genesis Bugg held to the dominant view of evangelicals and high churchmen regarding the infallibility of the Scriptures, not just in matters of religion and morality, but also of history.
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| Answers in Genesis Many people in the church today think that “young-earth” creationism is a fairly recent invention, popularized by fundamentalist Christians in the mid-20th century. Is this view correct?
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Assessing Geological Competence
| Answers in Genesis Before we can ascertain the level of geological ignorance or acumen of any of the scriptural geologists, we must define what constituted a competent geologist in the early 19th century.
George Fairholme (1789–1846)
| Answers in Genesis Fairholme did not discuss at length his view of the Bible. But clearly he held to the traditional Christian view of the inspiration, infallibility, and inerrancy of Scripture.
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John Murray (1786–1851)
| Answers in Genesis John has been completely overlooked by historians, and his works related to the Genesis-geology debate were largely ignored by contemporary old-earth proponents.
William Rhind (1797–1874)
| Answers in Genesis Though virtually unknown in discussions of the scriptural geologists, William Rhind’s geological qualifications enabled him to debate the issues of his day.
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Generalizations and Conclusions
| Answers in Genesis We have considered the historical context and individually examined seven of the scriptural geologists. We are now in a position to draw out some generalizations and conclusions.
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In the Beginning Was Information
| Answers in Genesis Between the covers of this excellent book may well be the most devastating scientific argument against the idea that life could form by natural processes. The science of information is explained in detail, with many striking examples to clarify fundamental questions, such as: What are the laws of information? How did language develop? Is artificial intelligence possible?
In Six Days
| Answers in Genesis Can any scientist with a Ph.D. believe in the idea of a literal six-day creation? In Six Days answers this provocative question with 50 informative essays by scientists who say “Yes!” Taking a factual and scientific look at the evidence for evolution, physicists, biologists, and chemists conclude that evolution may offer no more evidence than traditional religion, and factually, it may lag behind.
A. J. Monty White, Physical Chemistry
| Answers in Genesis During this time I began to realize that the idea of evolution was at best a hypothesis and that it had not been proven. There is not a shred of evidence for the evolution of life on earth.
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Andrew McIntosh, Mathematics
| Answers in Genesis As a scientist, I look at the world around me, and observe engineering mechanisms of such remarkable complexity that I am drawn to the conclusion of intelligent design being behind such complex order.
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John P. Marcus, Biochemistry
| Answers in Genesis Far from being educated guesses, the many deceptive evolutionary scenarios seem to be nothing short of biased myths arising from the desperate desire to exclude God from lives and consciences.
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Timothy G. Standish, Biology
| Answers in Genesis Progressing in my studies, I slowly realized that evolution survives as a paradigm only as long as the evidence is picked and chosen and the great pool of data that is accumulating on life is ignored.
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Nancy M. Darrall, Botany
| Answers in Genesis Reasoning from the scientific observations and faith in the Bible, I conclude that creation was the result of an intelligent designer, entirely possible within the short period of six days.
D.B. Gower, Biochemistry
| Answers in Genesis Far from pointing towards formation by the chance processes of evolution, the complexity in nature clearly speaks to me of an Almighty Creator.
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Bob Hosken, Biochemistry
| Answers in Genesis Today as we ponder the unique architecture of the molecular systems that make up life, I am sure that I will not be the last person to conclude that "there must be an architect."
Evan Jamieson, Hydrometallurgy
| Answers in Genesis As the years have passed, there were many questions posed regarding the validity of creation. However, these have always been answered to my satisfaction and have strengthened my foundations.
Robert H. Eckel, Medical Research
| Answers in Genesis When examining the evidence available for either assertion, it becomes important to evaluate critically the precision and scientific accuracy of the methods used in the analysis.
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E. Theo Agard, Medical Physics
| Answers in Genesis My belief in the supernatural creation of this world in six days is summarized largely in the following points: the theory of evolution is not as scientifically sound as many people believe.
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Ker C. Thomson, Geophysics
| Answers in Genesis Is there available a scientifically observable process in nature which on a long-term basis is tending to carry its products upward to higher and higher levels of complexity?
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Walter J. Veith, Zoology
| Answers in Genesis My change of view regarding evolution was not instantaneous, not emotional, but the result of a long and often hard road in search of truth. I now believe that the available facts support the concept
In Six Days: Preface
| Answers in Genesis There are a growing number of highly educated critically thinking scientists who have chosen to believe in the biblical version of creation.
Jerry R. Bergman, Biology
| Answers in Genesis All of the extant evidence reveals that there is nothing living on earth, either animal or plant, that did not receive its life from previous life, its sexual or asexual parent.
Keith H. Wanser, Physics
| Answers in Genesis I am firmly convinced that there is far more scientific evidence supporting a recent, six-day creation and global Flood than there is an old earth and evolution.
John R. Baumgardner, Geophysics
| Answers in Genesis As a Christian who is also a professional scientist, I exult in the reality that “in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth”. May He forever be praised.
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Danny R. Faulkner, Astronomy
| Answers in Genesis I assume that there is a Creator (I cannot fathom the world otherwise). I assume that He is interested and involved in the world. I assume that He has revealed himself to mankind through the Bible.
Stephen Taylor, Electrical Engineering
| Answers in Genesis The purpose of this article is to state reasons for my belief as a scientist and engineer in an eternal, all-powerful, all-wise Creator God, a God who can be known and trusted.
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John Morris, Geological Engineering
| Answers in Genesis My confidence in God’s Word is confirmed every time I look at the scientific evidence, and every time I look at the scientific evidence, my understanding of God’s Word is enhanced.
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Elaine Kennedy, Geology
| Answers in Genesis I realized that I consider God’s revelation more valid than human reason, because I experience His recreative power in my life daily.
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Wayne Frair, Biology
| Answers in Genesis My interest in Bible-science issues was amplified after I became a Christian in January 1945, while I was in the U.S. Navy during the Second World War.
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Kurt P. Wise, Geology
| Answers in Genesis Although there are scientific reasons for accepting a young earth, I am a young-age creationist because that is my understanding of the Scripture.
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J. H. John Peet, Chemistry
| Answers in Genesis If we are to take the Bible account seriously, then we must recognize that the days of Genesis 1 are normal days, i.e., the period of the rotation of the earth about its axis.
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Werner Gitt, Information Science
| Answers in Genesis The question about the duration of the creation days arises frequently. I believe it can be shown from a biblical and scientific viewpoint that one can have full confidence in the biblical account.
How Could A Loving God...? Online Book
| Answers in Genesis With sensitivity to the person whose perception of God has been calloused by tragedy, apologist/Bible teacher Ken Ham makes clear the hope-giving answers found in the pages of Scripture. Be ready when hurting hearts need comfort. Sensitively sharing the reality of original sin—and all that it means—creates a vital foundation for Bible-based healing in the midst of crisis.
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| Answers in Genesis Whether it is incorrect assumptions or unhelpful statements or something else, every human being needs to understand how easy it can be to hurt those who are already hurting.
| Answers in Genesis This book is the result of years of reading and thinking about, and discussing, the origin, nature, and purpose of mathematics.
World Religions and Cults Volume 2
| Answers in Genesis This eye-opening volume deals with many Eastern religions like Hinduism, Taoism, New Age, Sikhism, Confucianism, Shinto, and Buddhism, as well as other pagan-based systems.
Fish out of Water
| Answers in Genesis If you are a Christian heading to campus for the first time, there are several things you need to know about living your faith while surrounded by atheistic professors. This wonderful guide for college students who find their faith and values under assault will help them navigate through classes while maintaining a good GPA and a positive college experience.
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Fear Factor
| Answers in Genesis That fear of being the loner in a crowd, whether it’s in a campus library or a classroom discussion, is nearly palpable.
Pick Your Battles
| Answers in Genesis Of all the things that surprised and shocked me at college, the one-sidedness of so many classroom discussions was the most surprising of all.
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The Party Scene
| Answers in Genesis It’s important to be prepared for the classroom and the situations and scenarios you may encounter, but it’s also important to be prepared for campus life.
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Posters and Pin-ups
| Answers in Genesis Judging from the posters that pop up on the walls of campus buildings, we are in dire need of immediate and in-depth remedial education.
| Answers in Genesis Wherever you go to college, stay the course, and run with endurance the race set before you.
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Taking Back Astronomy
| Answers in Genesis Dr. Lisle communicates the truths of creation and the fallacies of evolution with authority and enthusiasm. In this richly illustrated book, Lisle debunks the most widely accepted teachings about the idea of evolution. Readers are given solid answers to many questions, including the speed of light, the big bang, extraterrestrials, the reliability of the Bible regarding astronomy, and more.
The Pilgrim’s Progress
| Answers in Genesis The Pilgrim’s Progress is a spiritual allegory that follows the path of Christian, a man weighed down by his burden of sin. He leaves the City of Destruction and learns that nothing can remove his burden other than the cross of Christ. But that is only the beginning of his journey through life to the Celestial City.
Unwrapping the Pharaohs Online Book
| Answers in Genesis Adults and children alike are fascinated by Egyptian civilization. But most modern archaeologists have lately tried to use Egyptian chronology to dispute the biblical record. Secular textbooks and videos challenge the faith of students and discredit the biblical account of Exodus. Those who wish to defend the accuracy of the Bible now have an incredible tool in this exciting book that provides compelling confirmation of the biblical account.
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| Answers in Genesis In this book, we look at the archaeological evidence from artifacts from ancient Egypt and compare what it tells us with the historical records in the Bible.
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Wonders of Geology
| Answers in Genesis Answers in Genesis wants you to get the full story behind some of the most famous parks and geological wonders before you pack up to go see them.
Eager to Expose False Teaching
| Answers in Genesis I was always fascinated with Noah’s Flood when I was a little boy, but rejected it when I got into the "public school" system. Thankfully, the Lord opened my eyes to the "real scientific evidence."
Now I Have the Answers I Crave
| Answers in Genesis I have always disagreed with the misconception that science and religion don’t mix, but I never had the knowledge to form a decent response, or explain myself. Now I have the answers I crave.
What This Web Site Needs...
| Answers in Genesis I decided to start researching my facts so I could once and for all, quiet those around me who supported literal creation. That’s when my house of cards fell.
When I was Young and Confused
| Answers in Genesis It was then I knew I could believe the whole bible, not only in faith, but in the logical fact that the evidence of the earth points to a recent creation, and a powerful God.
September 2000
| Answers in Genesis The article on the apostate evangelist Charles Templeton (The slippery slide of unbelief) inspired by far the most reader reaction.
What Science is not
| Answers in Genesis Notice the professor's sneaky tactic of putting Creationism in the big middle of some outrageous stuff - Fortune Telling and Reincarnation for example.
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100% Creationist
| Answers in Genesis After two and a half years of theistic evolution my faith in evolution was destroyed, and now I am 100 percent creationist
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Wild Eyed Fanatics
| Answers in Genesis I've often been under the impression that Creationists were wild eyed fanatics, clutching at straws to prove a point. But while I was perusing your info. on Noahs Ark, I was pleasantly surprised.
Bias in Media
| Answers in Genesis “I also thank the Lord God Almighty for your group, you will never know how much we all need your strong faith combined with scientific knowledge.”
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A Different Perspective
| Answers in Genesis “I never understood how Cain could marry another woman if there were none at the time, but now that I understand more due to your article.”
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A “Heart-Opener”
| Answers in Genesis “I wish to express, my heart felt thanks for your ministry. About 8 years past, I watched a video of Dr. Ham’s about pre-suppositions, and creationism.”
Who’s Indoctrinating Your Kids?
| Answers in Genesis In the origins debate, no one is a neutral party; each comes to the evidence with a worldview. Are your children learning a naturalistic or biblical worldview?
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June 2002
| Answers in Genesis Joanne Shetler was a translator with Wycliffe, working among the Balangao people in the Philippines. In her book, And the Word Came with Power, she records how excited her main informant became to fin
Thanks for the ‘Solid Stuff with Backbone’
| Answers in Genesis We have been dumbstruck by the lethargy and wishy-washy teaching we have experienced in churches here since our return. We are thankful for the materials that you supply—solid stuff with backbone!
A Warning for all Believers
| Answers in Genesis I would like to put out a warning for all believers. While searching for other websites involving creation vs. evolution, I came across a site that was mixing evolution and creation together.
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The Most Important Issue
| Answers in Genesis What excites me the most, however, is the fact that you continually make known that you start with scripture and that the Word of God is your presuppositions.
“Answers That Spoke to My Soul”
| Answers in Genesis “Tonight, I prayed and asked God to provide me with answers to scriptures that I have been wrestling with since I was a child and tonight I came across your site.”
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‘Petty Power Politics’
| Answers in Genesis “When opponents are reduced to attacking someone’s age rather than their message, it is clear that scientific creationists are winning the arguments.”
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Rejoicing in Heaven
| Answers in Genesis I started asking questions about evolution and dinosaurs, and Cain’s wife. Good thing for me, he was prepared with answers.
A Big Ol’ Thank You!
| Answers in Genesis Friends would tell me “Science has proved the bible to be nothing more then a bunch of made up story's.” How does someone like me, a truck Driver argue with that, when i knew nothing of science?
I Just had to Share this with you All
| Answers in Genesis In my opinion there is an obvious attempt by some evolutionary group to persuade the editors of scientific publications to go out of their way to publish the venom that we have seen lately.
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No End in Sight...
| Answers in Genesis I was 90% persuaded (on my own research) to become a Christian a year ago, but I had a stumbling block - evolution. God led me through several paths and the final one was your website.
“Equipping the Saints”
| Answers in Genesis “I had the pleasure of seeing your presentation at Southeast Christian Church last fall and was pleased to hear you again tonight on the WHAS Joe Elliott Show.”
A Change of Mind
| Answers in Genesis Our Sunday school class began the series, and I began to see how important establishing the "foundation" of the truth in Genesis is to our faith.
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Hmmm, and I Thought You Were Smart
| Answers in Genesis Based solely on my belief in creation and a creator God, I was immediatelly labled an intellectual midget, despite ideas to the contrary prior to his knowing my creationist position.
Getting the Message Out
| Answers in Genesis Last September, you gave me permission to copy articles for distribution at my church. I have no idea how much of an effect it is having, but I thought I would give you a boost with a brief report.
Wise for His Years
| Answers in Genesis “I am only 13 and already i have seen how the lack of God in the schools and the lack of creationism has had its inpact on the world.”
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Thanks for Filling the Gap
| Answers in Genesis Few evangelical churches have the nerve to address creation, and I now see that "parachurch" ministries like yours are doing the things the seminaries and churches should be doing, but aren't.
Editorial Censorship
| Answers in Genesis In my opinion there is an obvious attempt by some evolutionary group to persuade the editors of scientific publications to go out of their way to publish the venom that we have seen lately.
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Homeschool Resources!
| Answers in Genesis We are a homeschooling family, and this site is precious to me. Words can not express how thankful I am for such material to share with my children.
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March 1981
| Answers in Genesis There are a number of questions relating to the early chapters of Genesis that you might be able to comment upon.
Prayer for the “Lost”
| Answers in Genesis “I read with sadness the article, ‘Slippery Slide to Unbelief,’ which highlighted the former evangelist, Charles Templeton's rejection of the Christian faith.”
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Man Isn't Infallible?
| Answers in Genesis I was really excited that the "intelligent" science community is finally realizing that man's word is actually not infallible.
“God’s Truth . . . Emptied My Doubts”
| Answers in Genesis “I tell you, when Mr. Ken Ham completed his presentation I was overwhelmed with the knowledge of the Bible’s absolute truth and most importantly that I was truly a child of God!”
| Answers in Genesis “I must confess that, prior to encountering your organization, I was quite unaware that there were Christians who did not believe in a literal 6 day creation.”
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Sharing the Message
| Answers in Genesis For so many years, I had just accepted that evolution brought man into existence. This was a direct result of it being taught in school and presented in the media as fact.
Making the Logical Connection!
| Answers in Genesis I knew evolution or even "theistic evolution" wasn't right, but didn't have anything but a gut feeling to prove it. It was not until I heard Ken Ham speak that I knew WHY it wasn't right.
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‘It’s out there’
| Answers in Genesis “As acting executive administrator of CSI, a Creation ministry in South FL, I read with interest the article on bird evolution.”
Equipping the Saints
| Answers in Genesis “I am grateful to Ken Ham ..... for he is equipping the Saints to be able to 'Give an Answer.' A deeper meaning to the gospel opened up to me as a result of this ministry.”
A Great Birthday Gift
| Answers in Genesis I cannot thank you enough for publishing Ussher's Annals of The World. I have asked so many seminary students and pastors to recommend a timeline of some sort to me, with no success.
Did God Really Mean?
| Answers in Genesis I decided to start researching my facts so I could once and for all, quiet those around me who supported literal creation. That's when my house of cards fell...
June 1996
| Answers in Genesis Read letters about Adam's & Eve's eyes, DNA, a student's success in sharing the truth, fossils, and more.
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Supporters Answer the Call
| Answers in Genesis Here are two examples of AiG supporters who have already shown us they’ve ‘answered the call’ to do what they can to stop censorship at the Grand Canyon National Park in Arizona, USA.
What's the Church Coming to?
| Answers in Genesis I just read the article about the booth at the NEA convention. I am so excited the materials from AiG will be given to those who might be interested and truly seeking for some answers.
Assumptions Abound
| Answers in Genesis One phrase I remember hearing a college professor say was, “All logic starts from an assumption.” I think this is profoundly true when it comes to the issue of creation vs. evolution.
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“Chutzpah” and “Message Mania”
| Answers in Genesis Special (Biblical) creation is our “proof” that His Word is true. If you cannot tell your friends, then help Bible-proclaiming organizations such as Answers in Genesis with your donations.
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November 1980
| Answers in Genesis There seems to be a lot of unnecessary confusion over the meaning of the Biblical term “kind” as used in Genesis 1:24–25.
September 1990
| Answers in Genesis Thank you for the article, ‘How to talk creation with a Jehovah’s Witness’. Our doorstep has been well worn lately by Witnesses offering copies of The Watchtower.
News to Note, June 18, 2011
| Answers in Genesis The molecular clock goes off-line, the priesthood of science 3. The Tagish meteor’s amino acids, cryptic mutations, leaping over fitness valleys, and moe in this week’s News to Note.
News to Note, February 16, 2008
| Answers in Genesis A telling tooth, sonar-challenged bat, problem with bird-to-dino theory, more ARJ backlash, copying design, and expanding horizons give us this week’s News to Note.
News to Note, June 30, 2007
| Answers in Genesis Chimp altruism, an attempt to criminalize creationism, giant penguins, gene swapping, Lucy on tour, and an ice-covered plane round out this week’s News to Note.
News to Note, end-of-year 2012
| Answers in Genesis Join us now for the year-end highlights of News to Note 2012. We’ll recap news items covering key issues in the battle for biblical authority, scientific discernment, and intellectual honesty.
News to Note, August 18, 2007
| Answers in Genesis Comets and dust devils, shark fingers, galaxies from the beginning, the one-percent myth, and a dinosaur mass grave round out this week’s News to Note.
News to Note, December 15, 2007
| Answers in Genesis In the news this week, we have super-fast “evolution,” the evolved pregnancy, the steamy side of Mars, intrigue in Kentucky, and a Dawkin’s Christmas Carol.
News to Note, July 7, 2007
| Answers in Genesis Hydrocarbons on Hyperion, dragon bones, a zebrula, eye movement, spitting apes, “altruistic” rats, and Canadians on creation round out this week’s News to Note.
News to Note, June 4, 2011
| Answers in Genesis Mystery of the missing mass, transgender clownfish, mouse genome project, stem cell surprises, good gossip? and more in this week’s News to Note.
News to Note, October 8, 2011
| Answers in Genesis Microevolution writ younger, Orchids and their perfume pals, Did Jesus die for E.T.? Prefabricated placental blueprints, Archaic birds border the K-T
News to Note, October 27, 2007
| Answers in Genesis Take a look through biblical glasses at a growing genetic divide, a St.-Bernard-sized fallacy, a lack of aliens, talking cavemen, and First-Temple artifacts.
News to Note, October 6, 2007
| Answers in Genesis In this week’s News to Note, read about a sharp-toothed, vegetarian dinosaur, the art of finding “missing links,” a creationist creation, the plant internet, and a record-setting bird.
News to Note, July 14, 2007
| Answers in Genesis Another supposed human ancestor, a steamy Jupiter, ludicrous-speed evolution, neutral changes, an Old-Testament-era tablet, and a peak into distant space round out this week’s News to Note.
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News to Note, July 21, 2007
| Answers in Genesis Apes on treadmills, pinpointing the origin of humans, a flood in Britain, tomato plants, Pluto’s moon, runts, and elements of design round out this week’s News to Note.
News to Note, July 2, 2011
| Answers in Genesis How to take a dino’s temp, multicellularity missing the mark, solar surprises, flapping up the wrong (evolutionary) tree, speciation’s secrets
News to Note, March 1, 2008
| Answers in Genesis Millions of dead things laid down by mud, “Monster” of the north, manmade Grand Canyon flooding, and America’s religious “marketplace” round out this week’s News to Note.
News to Note, December 29, 2007
| Answers in Genesis In this final installment of News to Note for the year, we examine what we consider to be the top news stories of interest in the battle for biblical authority in 2007.
News to Note, August 11, 2007
| Answers in Genesis Uncooperative fossils, un-frozen microbes, un-fossilized trees, life off the deep end, and Dr. Purdom’s guest appearance round out this week’s News to Note.
News to Note, November 17, 2007
| Answers in Genesis This week in News to Note we take a look at the jawbone of an ape, Mars microbes? ID/evolution education war, cladistics, monkey clones, and inspiring bat sonar
News to Note, May 21, 2011
| Answers in Genesis Neanderthal neighbors, cone snails go on the offensive, the gene that folds the brain, super-plants, Darwin’s disease, and more in this week’s News to Note.
News to Note, September 1, 2007
| Answers in Genesis A whole lot of nothing, preserved pollen, spider scuba tanks, atmospheric changes, more moths, supersonic hail, and an evolutionist exposing Darwin’s errors round out this weeks News to Note.
News to Note, January 12, 2008
| Answers in Genesis Read this week’s News to Note to find out why America is doomed, whether or not evolutionists are grasping at feathers, bone ice skates, an “inconvenient” galaxy, and a new Christian travel guide.
News to Note, August 25, 2007
| Answers in Genesis Great ape fossils, ancient diamonds, creating life, water-less geysers, smart crows, and wishful thinking about Martian life round out this week’s News to Note.
News to Note, June 23, 2007
| Answers in Genesis Isaac Newton’s faith, placental mammals, smart Neandertals, drug resistance, the amazing genome, and black plants round out this weeks News to Note.
News to Note, July 28, 2007
| Answers in Genesis Cosmic compounds, the original language, dinosaur reproduction, elephantine tall tales, the compromising pope, and booming business round out this week’s News to Note.
News to Note, December 1, 2007
| Answers in Genesis What’s the biblical perspective of a giant underwater landslide, a Sunday school for atheists, a floral “big bang,” liquid crystal abiogenesis, and a landbridge from Siberia? Find out.
Why Do We Need a Savior?
| Answers in Genesis As we consider Christmas, we look at sin, separation from God, and why it was so important for Jesus Christ to come to earth and die for us.
How Should I View Being Single?
| Answers in Genesis The Bible discusses the benefits of being married and of being single. David Wright and Dr. Tim Chaffey explain how a young person should view these concepts.
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I Am Not an Accident
| Answers in Genesis According to the Bible, we are carefully crafted by a wise and benevolent Creator for a purpose – we’re not random, pointless byproducts of eons of evolution.
What Does It Mean to Honor Your Father and Mother?
| Answers in Genesis What does it mean to honor your father and mother? Jesus makes it clear that even when we move out, our responsibilities to our parents continue. Ask God to give you the wisdom and strength to honor and care for your parents.
Amazing Grace
| Answers in Genesis John Newton captured a simple yet profound truth in this incredible hymn. Tim Chaffey, AiG–U.S., explains that we can only be saved by God’s grace.
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Teach Me the Measure of My Days
| Answers in Genesis By examining a hymn written by Isaac Watts based on Psalm 39, Steve Fazekas, AiG–U.S., explains how important it is for us to consider the shortness of life.
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Be Thou My Vision
| Answers in Genesis Steve Fazekas, AiG–U.S., discusses the importance of looking to Christ and His glory while contemplating this beloved hymn.
What Is Our Hope?
| Answers in Genesis The Bible repeatedly highlights the concepts of faith, hope, and love. In this devotional, Erik Lutz, AiG–U.S., addresses the concept of hope.
Will We Suffer if We Love God?
| Answers in Genesis Many people have been led to believe that faithful Christians should never suffer, but this is not what the Bible teaches. Jeremy Ham, AiG–U.S., explains.
Holy, Holy, Holy
| Answers in Genesis Tim Chaffey, AiG–U.S., introduces our devotional series on hymns of praise, and discusses the holiness of God, an oft-repeated theme in Scripture.
Why Do You Want Jesus to Return?
| Answers in Genesis There are many reasons believers should long for the return of Christ. Steve Ham, AiG–U.S., describes these while encouraging us to keep our focus on Christ Himself.
What Comes After Death?
| Answers in Genesis Hebrews states that judgment follows death. Steve Ham, AiG–U.S., explains the only way for a person to escape the wrath of infinitely holy God.
How Do We Get to Heaven?
| Answers in Genesis One of the most important questions a person can ask is how one can get to heaven: is it by works or by something else? Steve Ham, AiG–U.S., explains.
Are You Truly Blessed?
| Answers in Genesis Steve Ham, AiG–U.S., explains the meaning of the term “beatitude” and asks to reader to think about whether he or she is truly blessed.
How Sure Is Our Hope?
| Answers in Genesis Our hope is infinitely secure because it is based on the unchanging promises of the Almighty God. Erik Lutz, AiG–U.S., explains.
What Does Faith Accomplish?
| Answers in Genesis Erik Lutz, AiG–U.S., provides an overview of some biblical examples of people who had great faith and how God used them to do great things for Him.
Should We Criticize?
| Answers in Genesis Criticizing others comes so naturally for us, but is it right for us to do it? Jeremy Ham, AiG–U.S., explores biblical instructions on this topic.
Why Does Holiness Matter?
| Answers in Genesis Throughout the Scriptures, we see a huge celebration of the holiness of God; yet, most of us really don’t have a full grasp of what it means to be holy.
What Are You Hiding?
| Answers in Genesis Steve Ham, AiG–U.S., explains that in the light of God’s perfect holiness, all of our sins, even the secrets ones, will be revealed.
Will We Perish?
| Answers in Genesis Jeremy Ham, AiG–U.S., explains what Paul meant when he said that because of Christ’s Resurrection we will not perish.
Will God Praise Us?
| Answers in Genesis Too many professing Christians seem too concerned with receiving praise from man. Jeremy Ham, AiG–U.S., explains that the praise of God is far greater.
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When Is Worship Wrong?
| Answers in Genesis The Bible provides several examples of when God did not accept displays of worship. Erik Lutz explains why God is more concerned with a person’s inward state.
Why Did Our Savior Also Need to Be God?
| Answers in Genesis Since Jesus was also God, he was able to pay the infinite penalty for us and thus provide a bridge between us and God the Father. Only God could take the sins of the whole world upon himself and wash our sin stains as white as snow.
What Is a True Peacemaker?
| Answers in Genesis Jesus famously said that peacemakers are blessed and will be called children of God. Steve Ham, AiG–U.S., explores implications of this passage.
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How Do We Live in Peace?
| Answers in Genesis The New Testament often instructs believers to live in peace, but this is easier said than done. Jeremy Ham explains how we can be obedient to God in this area.
Why Is Love the Greatest?
| Answers in Genesis The Bible repeatedly highlights the concepts of faith, hope, and love. In this devotional, Erik Lutz explains why Paul said that love is the greatest of these.
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How Long Must We Have Faith?
| Answers in Genesis The Bible repeatedly highlights the concepts of faith, hope, and love. In this devotional, Erik Lutz, AiG–U.S., discusses the first of these three subjects.
What Can We Add to God?
| Answers in Genesis God is infinitely greater and higher than man. As such, can we really add anything to the God who is infinite? Steve Ham, AiG–U.S., explains.
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What’s so Big About Behemoth?
| Answers in Genesis The behemoth was a massive creature yet God is the one who created it. Can we even fathom His awesome power? Steve Ham, AiG–U.S., addresses this question.
Do You Really Think You Know It?
| Answers in Genesis How do we respond when someone applauds us for doing something well. Do we give God the credit He deserves? Steve Ham, AiG–U.S., shows that God is worthy of all praise.
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Who Praises You?
| Answers in Genesis How do we respond when someone applauds us for doing something well. Do we give God the credit He deserves? Steve Ham shows that God is worthy of all praise.
Who Is Like God?
| Answers in Genesis The God of the Bible has no equal. He is eternal and has created all things. To what can He be compared? Erik Lutz, AiG–U.S., examines this issue.
How Do We Protect the Church?
| Answers in Genesis The New Testament stresses the importance of protecting sound doctrine in the church, yet many neglect this instruction. Steve Ham examines this issue.
What Is Truth?
| Answers in Genesis Before determining an answer to questions on the meaning of life etc., it is best to define truth, or more specifically, the source of all truth.